/ Published in: PHP

A PHP class that creates html controls
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<? class HTML_DISPLAY { public function __construct($cols=3) { $this->tabCount = 0; $this->columns = $cols; } public function tableStart($border=0, $width="100%", $cellSpacing=2, $cellPadding=0) { if ($width != "") { $width = "width=\"$width\""; } if ($this->columns != 0) { $cols = "cols=\"$this->columns\""; } $this->tabRight(); echo $this->printTabs()."<table border=\"$border\" $width cellpadding=\"$cellSpacing\" cellspacing=\"$cellPadding\">".$this->newLine; } public function tableStop() { echo $this->printTabs()."</table>".$this->newLine ; $this->tabLeft(); } public function formStart($formName, $action="", $method="post", $target="") { if ($target != "") { $target = "target=\$target\""; } $this->tabRight(); $this->formName = $formName; echo $this->printTabs()."<form name=\"$formName\" method=\"$method\" action=\"$action\" $target>".$this->newLine; } public function formStop() { echo $this->printTabs()."</form>".$this->newLine; $this->tabLeft(); } public function submitButton($type=1) { if ($type == 1) { $txt="Submit Answers"; } elseif($type == 2) { $txt="Next ->"; } else { $txt="Submit"; } echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"$txt\" value=\"$txt\" />"; } public function clearButton() { echo "<input name=\"Clear\" type=\"Reset\" id=\"Clear\" value=\"Clear\" />"; } public function button($id, $display, $class="", $java="", $show=TRUE) { if ($class!= "") { $class = "class=\"$class\""; } $buttonText = "<input type=\"button\" id=\"$id\" name=\"$id\" $class $java value=\"$display\"/>"; if($show) { echo $buttonText; } else { return $buttonText; } } public function hiddenField($div, $text="") { echo "<input id=\"$div\" type=\"hidden\" name=\"$div\" $text/>"; } public function rowStart($class="") { if ($class != "") { $class = " class=\"$class\""; } $this->tabRight(); echo $this->printTabs()."<tr $class>".$this->newLine; } public function rowStop() { echo $this->printTabs()."</tr>".$this->newLine; $this->tabLeft(); } public function colStart($width, $colSpan=1, $rowSpan=1, $class=NULL) { $this->tabRight(); $width = $width==""?$width:"width=\"$width%\""; echo $this->printTabs()."<td $width colspan=\"$colSpan\" rowspan=\"$rowSpan\" valign=\"top\" align=\"left\""; { echo " class=\"$class\""; } echo " >".$this->newLine; } public function colStop() { echo $this->printTabs()."</td>".$this->newLine; $this->tabLeft(); } public function colHeaderStart($width, $colSpan=1, $rowSpan=1, $class=NULL) { $this->tabRight(); echo $this->printTabs()."<th width=\"$width%\" colspan=\"$colSpan\" rowspan=\"$rowSpan\" valign=\"top\" "; { echo " class=\"$class\""; } echo " >".$this->newLine; } public function colHeaderStop() { echo $this->printTabs()."</th>".$this->newLine; $this->tabLeft(); } public function insertRadioButton($divID, $radioText, $value="", $javaScript="", $showText=TRUE, $checked="") { $textForFrontEnd = $radioText; if ($value=="") { $value=$radioText; } if (!$showText) { $textForFrontEnd = ""; } $this->tabRight(); echo $this->printTabs()."<label>". "<input name=\"$divID\" id=\"$divID\" type=\"radio\" value=\"$value\" $checked $javaScript>". "$textForFrontEnd</label>".$this->newLine; $this->tabLeft(); } public function dropDownListStart($divID, $javaScript=NULL) { $this->tabRight(); echo $this->printTabs()."<select id=\"$divID\" name=\"$divID\" $javaScript>".$this->newLine; $this->tabRight(); } public function dropDownListIetm ($value, $displayText, $selected="", $class=NULL) { ($class!=NULL?"class=\"$class\"":"").">$displayText</option>".$this->newLine; } public function dropDownListStop() { $this->tabLeft(); echo $this->printTabs()."</select>".$this->newLine; $this->tabLeft(); } public function insertTextBox($div, $question, $charactersPerLine=25, $charLength=255, $text="", $multiline=FALSE, $password=FALSE) { if ($multiline) { //multi-line $strTextBox = "<textarea name=\"$div\" cols=\"$charactersPerLine\">$text</textarea>"; } else { //single line $strTextBox = "<input name=\"$div\" id=\"$div\" type=\"text\" size=\"$charactersPerLine\" maxlength=\"$charLength\" $text/>"; } echo $strTextBox; } public function insertPasswordBox($div, $charactersPerLine=25, $charLength=255) { $strTextBox = "<input name=\"$div\" id=\"$div\" type=\"password\" size=\"$charactersPerLine\" maxlength=\"$charLength\"/>"; echo $strTextBox; } public function tabRight() { $this->tabCount++; } public function tabLeft() { if ($this->tabCount > 0) { --$this->tabCount; } } public function printTabs() { $tempTabs = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->tabCount; ++$i) { $tempTabs .= $this->tab; } return $tempTabs; } public function linkTo($link, $linkText, $target="", $class="") { if ($target != "") { $target = "target=\"$target\""; } if ($class != "") { $class = "class=\"$class\""; } echo "<a href=\"$link\" $target $class>$linkText</a>"; } public function divDisplayed() { /* echo "<br>"; $pageKeys = array_keys($this->divArray); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->divArray); ++$i) { $page = $pageKeys[$i]; $columnKeys = array_keys($this->divArray[$page]); for($j = 0; $j < sizeof($this->divArray[$page]); ++$j) { echo "$page|".$columnKeys[$j]."|".($j+1)."<br>"; } } */ } protected $newLine = "\n"; protected $tab = "\t"; protected $tabCount; protected $columns; protected $formName; protected $divArray; } ?>