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Over the years I have made quite a few software programs in Delphi, and inevitably I have also come up with many useful functions. Most of them I have never published on the Internet before, now I would like to list on blog.
Part 1 are functions for managing integer or real numbers, they were written very early in 1997.
Part 1 are functions for managing integer or real numbers, they were written very early in 1997.
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{ --------------------------------------------------- Numbers Manager Copyright (r) by Version : 1.75 Author : William Yang Last Update 24 - Aug - 97 --------------------------------------------------- } unit NumMan; interface uses Classes, SysUtils, Windows; // Force an integer number to be between certain range function MakeBetween(S, nFrom, nTo : Integer) : Integer; // Check if an integer is between n1 and n2 function Between(S, N1, N2 : Integer) : Boolean; // Check if an real/float number is between n1 and n2 function fBetween(S, N1, N2 : Real) : Boolean; // Calculate rectangular width function RectWidth(Rect: TRect) : Integer; // Calculate rectangular height function RectHeight(Rect: TRect) : Integer; // Find smallest integer in an array function MinMost(Nums: array of Integer): Integer; // Find largest integer in an array function MaxMost(Nums: array of Integer): Integer; // Check if the integers in an array are equal function AllEqual(Nums: array of Integer): Boolean; // Check if the integers in an array are different function AllDiff(Nums: array of Integer): Boolean; //Check if these numbers in the range function AllBetween(Nums: array of Integer; nFrom, nTo : Integer): Boolean; {Check if the numbers are like (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), you can set InOrder to false if you want check(4,2,3,5,1) } function IsIncreasement(Nums: array of Integer; InOrder: Boolean): Boolean; {more customisable with amount that increase } function IsIncreasementExt(Nums: array of Integer; InOrder: Boolean; Incs: Integer): Boolean; //Find a number an array of numbers, returns the index of the first catch. function FindNum(Num: Integer; Nums: array of Integer): Integer; //Find pairs, returns the total amount of pairs. function FindPairs(Nums: array of Integer): Integer; //Find the how many times the number appears. function NumAppears(Num: Integer; Nums: array of Integer): Integer; // A byte has 8 bits, ReadBits returns number value between certain bits in an integer function ReadBits(Num, Start, Count: Integer): Integer; // Returns how many bits are used to store this integer, e.g. 8 returns 4, 7 return 3 function MaxBits(Num: Integer): Integer; // Translate integer to binaries function IntToBin(Num: Integer): String; // Modify certain bits in an integer function WriteBits(Num, Start, Val: Integer): Integer; // Integer swap procedure ISwap(var n1, n2: Integer); // Byte swap procedure BSwap(var n1, n2: Byte); // Real/ float number swap procedure FSwap(var n1, n2: Double); // Round up an real number by certain integer value, e.g. RoundBy(67.4, 10) return 70 function RoundBy(ANum: Real; By: Integer): Integer; // Smallest float number function MinFloat(X, Y: Extended): Extended; // Largest float number function MaxFloat(X, Y: Extended): Extended; implementation function fBetween(S, N1, N2 : Real) : Boolean; begin if (S >= N1) and (S <= N2) then Result := True else Result := False; end; function RoundBy(ANum: Real; By: Integer): Integer; begin Result := Round(ANum / By); Result := Result*By; end; procedure ISwap(var n1, n2: Integer); var t: Integer; begin t := n1; n1 := n2; n2 := t; end; procedure BSwap(var n1, n2: Byte); var t: Byte; begin t := n1; n1 := n2; n2 := t; end; procedure FSwap(var n1, n2: Double); var t: Double; begin t := n1; n1 := n2; n2 := t; end; function WriteBits(Num, Start, Val: Integer): Integer; begin Val := Val shl (Start - 1); Result := Num or Val; end; function MaxBits(Num: Integer): Integer; begin Result := 0; repeat Num := Num shr 1; Inc(Result); until Num <= 0; end; function IntToBin(Num: Integer): String; var Mask: Integer; i, Bits: Integer; begin Result := ''; Mask := 1; Bits := MaxBits(Num); for i := 1 to bits do begin if (Num and Mask) = Mask then Result := Result + '1' else Result := Result + '0'; Mask := Mask shl 1; end; end; function ReadBits(Num, Start, Count: Integer): Integer; var BitMask: Integer; i, Max: Integer; begin Max := MaxBits(Num); { 0000 1111 and 1011 0111 ---- ---- ---- 0000 0111 } //Initialize Bitmask with 0. BitMask := 0; for i := Max downto 1 do begin if (i >= Start) and (i <= Start + Count - 1) then begin Bitmask := Bitmask or 1; end; if i > 1 then begin BitMask := BitMask shl 1; end; end; Result := BitMask and Num; Result := Result shr (Start - 1) end; function FindPairs(Nums: array of Integer): Integer; var i: Integer; begin Result := 0; for i := Low(Nums) to High(Nums) do begin if NumAppears(Nums[i], Nums) = 2 then Inc(Result); end; Result := Result div 2; end; function FindNum(Num: Integer; Nums: array of Integer): Integer; var i:Integer; begin Result := -1; for i := Low(Nums) to High(Nums) do begin if Nums[i] = Num then begin Result := i; Exit; end; end; end; function NumAppears(Num: Integer; Nums: array of Integer): Integer; var i:Integer; begin Result := 0; for i := Low(Nums) to High(Nums) do begin if Nums[i] = Num then begin Inc(Result); end; end; end; function IsIncreasementExt(Nums: array of Integer; InOrder: Boolean; Incs: Integer): Boolean; var i,j, k : Integer; begin Result := True; if InOrder then begin j := Nums[Low(Nums)] + Incs; for i := Low(Nums) + 1 to High(Nums) do begin if Nums[i] <> J then begin Result := False; Exit; end; Inc(j, Incs); end; end else begin k := MinMost(Nums); //Get the smallest number to start with. j := k + Incs; while (FindNum(j, Nums) <> - 1) do begin Inc(j, Incs); end; //if j is equal to the total increasement + minmost value. if j = k + (High(Nums) - Low(Nums)) * Incs then Result := True else Result := False; end; end; function IsIncreasement(Nums: array of Integer; InOrder: Boolean): Boolean; begin Result := IsIncreasementExt(Nums, InOrder, 1); end; function AllBetween(Nums: array of Integer; nFrom, nTo : Integer): Boolean; var i:Integer; begin Result := True; for i := Low(Nums) to High(Nums) do begin if not Between(Nums[i], nFrom, nTo) then begin Result := False; Exit; end; end; end; function AllDiff(Nums: array of Integer): Boolean; var i, j : Integer; begin Result := True; for i := Low(Nums) to High(Nums) do for j := Low(Nums) to High(Nums) do begin if (i<>j) and (Nums[j] = Nums[i]) then begin Result := False; Exit; end; end; end; function AllEqual(Nums: array of Integer): Boolean; var i : Integer; begin Result := True; for i := Low(Nums) + 1 to High(Nums) do begin if Nums[Low(Nums)] <> Nums[i] then begin Result := False; Exit; end; end; end; function MinMost(Nums: array of Integer): Integer; var i,j, k : Integer; begin //Go through each numbers. for i := Low(Nums) to High(Nums) do begin k := 0; //check if this number is smaller than others for j := Low(Nums) to High(Nums) do begin if (Nums[i] <= Nums[j]) and (i <> j) then Inc(k); end; {If there is 5 numbers, if a number smaller than other 4 then it is the smallest} if k = High(Nums) - Low(Nums) then Result := Nums[i]; end; end; function MaxMost(Nums: array of Integer): Integer; var i,j, k : Integer; begin for i := Low(Nums) to High(Nums) do begin k := 0; for j := Low(Nums) to High(Nums) do begin if (Nums[i] >= Nums[j]) and (i <> j) then Inc(k); end; if k = High(Nums) - Low(Nums) then Result := Nums[i]; end; end; function RectWidth(Rect: TRect) : Integer; begin Result := Rect.Right - Rect.Left; end; function RectHeight(Rect: TRect) : Integer; begin Result := Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top; end; Function Min(X, Y : Integer) : Integer; begin if X<=Y then Result := X else Result := y; end; Function Max(X, Y : Integer) : Integer; begin if X>=Y then Result := X else Result := y; end; function MinFloat(X, Y: Extended): Extended; begin if X < Y then Result := X else Result := Y; end; function MaxFloat(X, Y: Extended): Extended; begin if X > Y then Result := X else Result := Y; end; function Between(S, N1, N2 : Integer) : Boolean; begin if (S >= N1) and (S <= N2) then Result := True else Result := False; end; function MakeBetween(S, nFrom, nTo : Integer) : Integer; begin Result := S; while Result < nFrom do begin Result := Result + (nTo - nFrom); end; while Result > nTo do begin Result := Result - (nTo - nFrom); end; end; end.
URL: http://www.tiaon.com/wordpress/2007/03/05/some-useful-delphi-codes-part-1-numbers/