/ Published in: Python

Simple example of using Google's API for contacts to display the contact name and phone number. More info in the comments.
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import sha import atom import gdata.contacts import gdata.contacts.service gd_client = gdata.contacts.service.ContactsService() # Change this obviously gd_client.email = 'EMAIL' gd_client.password = 'PASSWORD' gd_client.ProgrammaticLogin() """ This is used like a case statement later on. It's apparently a slightly slow way to do it but it just seems so elegant to me. I'm not a Pythonista at all though so there may be a more Pythonic way to do it that I'm not aware of. """ rel_list = {gdata.contacts.REL_WORK: "Work", gdata.contacts.REL_HOME: "Home", gdata.contacts.REL_OTHER: "Other", gdata.contacts.PHONE_MOBILE: "Mobile"} # This is the date used for "updated_min" below. date = '2009-08-12T00:00:00' query = gdata.contacts.service.ContactsQuery() query.updated_min = date feed = gd_client.GetContactsFeed(query.ToUri()) for contact in feed.entry: print contact.title.text for phone in contact.phone_number: print rel_list[phone.rel] + ": " + phone.text def rel_type(rel): pass