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<?php /** * SagePay Order Confirmation Handler Tony Coyle / Chopstik Internet / 15/5/2009 / [email protected] */ /************************************************************* Send a post request with cURL $url = URL to send request to $data = POST data to send (in URL encoded Key=value pairs) *************************************************************/ function requestPost($url, $data){ // Set a one-minute timeout for this script // Initialise output variable // Open the cURL session // Set the URL // No headers, please // It's a POST request // Set the fields for the POST // Return it direct, don't print it out // This connection will timeout in 30 seconds //The next two lines must be present for the kit to work with newer version of cURL //You should remove them if you have any problems in earlier versions of cURL //Send the request and store the result in an array //Store the raw response for later as it's useful to see for integration and understanding $_SESSION["rawresponse"]=$rawresponse; //Split response into name=value pairs // Check that a connection was made // If it wasn't... $output['Status'] = "FAIL"; } // Close the cURL session // Tokenise the response // Find position of first "=" character // Create an associative (hash) array with key/value pairs ('trim' strips excess whitespace) } // END for ($i=0; $i<count($response); $i++) // Return the output return $output; } // END function requestPost() // Filters unwanted characters out of an input string. Useful for tidying up FORM field inputs function cleanInput($strRawText,$strType) { if ($strType=="Number") { $strClean="0123456789."; $bolHighOrder=false; } else if ($strType=="VendorTxCode") { $strClean="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_."; $bolHighOrder=false; } else { $strClean=" ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789.,'/{}@():?-_&£$=%~<>*+\""; $bolHighOrder=true; } $strCleanedText=""; $iCharPos = 0; do { // Only include valid characters $strCleanedText=$strCleanedText . $chrThisChar; } else if ($bolHighOrder==true) { // Fix to allow accented characters and most high order bit chars which are harmless $strCleanedText=$strCleanedText . $chrThisChar; } } $iCharPos=$iCharPos+1; } return $cleanInput; } /* Begin process of colelcting posted card details and Post to SagePay for Authorisation */ /* Load the SagePay Configuration File */ require_once( CLASSPATH. 'payment/ps_sagepay.cfg.php' ); /* order_id is the name of the variable that holds OUR order_number */ $order_id = vmGet( $_REQUEST, "order_id" ); echo $VM_LANG->_('VM_CHECKOUT_ORDERIDNOTSET'); } else { // Gather order & user details $qv = "SELECT order_id, order_number, order_total, user_info_id, user_id FROM #__{vm}_orders WHERE order_id='".$order_id."'"; $db = new ps_DB; $db->query($qv); $db->next_record(); $d['order_id'] = $db->f("order_id"); // SagePay config $strConnectTo = 'LIVE'; // `TEST` in development and `LIVE` when you're into production $strProtocol="2.23"; $strTransactionType = "PAYMENT"; $strVendorName = SAGEPAY_VENDOR_NAME; $strCurrency = "GBP"; $strVendorTxCode = $db->f("order_number"); /* For testing transactions on the Protx test server, use the following card numbers. NB: there are NO dummy cards to use on the Live server. Actual Live bank cards must be used. Card Type Protx Card Name Card Number Issue Number Visa VISA 4929000000006 n/a Visa Delta DELTA 4462000000000003 n/a Visa Electron UK Debit UKE 4917300000000008 n/a Mastercard MC 5404000000000001 n/a UK Maestro MAESTRO 5641820000000005 01 International Maestro MAESTRO 300000000000000004 n/a Solo SOLO 6334900000000005 1 American Express AMEX 374200000000004 n/a Japan Credit Bureau (JCB) JCB 3569990000000009 n/a Diners Club DC 36000000000008 n/a You'll also need to supply an Expiry Date in the future and the following values for CV2, Billing Address Numbers and Billing Post Code Numbers. These are the only values which will return as Matched. Any other values will return a Not Matched. CV2: 123 Billing Address: 88 Billing PostCode: 412 You'll also need to enter the 3D Secure password as password (it's case sensitive) so that the 3D Secure authentication returns Fully Authenticated. Please note that the Protx test server is not integrated with any banks, therefore no monies will be transferred as a result of these tests. */ if ($strConnectTo=="LIVE") { $strAbortURL="https://live.sagepay.com/gateway/service/abort.vsp"; $strAuthoriseURL="https://live.sagepay.com/gateway/service/authorise.vsp"; $strCancelURL="https://live.sagepay.com/gateway/service/cancel.vsp"; $strPurchaseURL="https://live.sagepay.com/gateway/service/vspdirect-register.vsp"; $strRefundURL="https://live.sagepay.com/gateway/service/refund.vsp"; $strReleaseURL="https://live.sagepay.com/gateway/service/release.vsp"; $strRepeatURL="https://live.sagepay.com/gateway/service/repeat.vsp"; $strVoidURL="https://live.sagepay.com/gateway/service/void.vsp"; $str3DCallbackPage="https://live.sagepay.com/gateway/service/direct3dcallback.vsp"; $strPayPalCompletionURL="https://live.sagepay.com/gateway/service/complete.vsp"; } elseif ($strConnectTo=="TEST") { $strAbortURL="https://test.sagepay.com/gateway/service/abort.vsp"; $strAuthoriseURL="https://test.sagepay.com/gateway/service/authorise.vsp"; $strCancelURL="https://test.sagepay.com/gateway/service/cancel.vsp"; $strPurchaseURL="https://test.sagepay.com/gateway/service/vspdirect-register.vsp"; $strRefundURL="https://test.sagepay.com/gateway/service/refund.vsp"; $strReleaseURL="https://test.sagepay.com/gateway/service/release.vsp"; $strRepeatURL="https://test.sagepay.com/gateway/service/repeat.vsp"; $strVoidURL="https://test.sagepay.com/gateway/service/void.vsp"; $str3DCallbackPage="https://test.sagepay.com/gateway/service/direct3dcallback.vsp"; $strPayPalCompletionURL="https://test.sagepay.com/gateway/service/complete.vsp"; } else { $strAbortURL="https://test.sagepay.com/simulator/VSPServerGateway.asp?Service=VendorAbortTx"; $strAuthoriseURL="https://test.sagepay.com/simulator/VSPServerGateway.asp?Service=VendorAuthoriseTx"; $strCancelURL="https://test.sagepay.com/simulator/VSPServerGateway.asp?Service=VendorCancelTx"; $strPurchaseURL="https://test.sagepay.com/simulator/VSPDirectGateway.asp"; $strRefundURL="https://test.sagepay.com/simulator/VSPServerGateway.asp?Service=VendorRefundTx"; $strReleaseURL="https://test.sagepay.com/simulator/VSPServerGateway.asp?Service=VendorReleaseTx"; $strRepeatURL="https://test.sagepay.com/simulator/VSPServerGateway.asp?Service=VendorRepeatTx"; $strVoidURL="https://test.sagepay.com/simulator/VSPServerGateway.asp?Service=VendorVoidTx"; $str3DCallbackPage="https://test.sagepay.com/simulator/VSPDirectCallback.asp"; $strPayPalCompletionURL="https://test.sagepay.com/simulator/paypalcomplete.asp"; } // get our user details from the joomla / vm tables $q = "SELECT * FROM #__vm_user_info WHERE user_id='".$db->f("user_id")."' AND address_type='BT'"; $dbbt = new ps_DB; $dbbt->setQuery($q); $dbbt->query(); $dbbt->next_record(); // Get ship_to information $q2 = "SELECT * FROM #__vm_user_info WHERE user_id='".$db->f("user_id")."' AND address_type='ST'";; $dbst = new ps_DB; $dbst->setQuery($q2); $dbst->query(); if($dbst->num_rows() >= 1){ $dbst->next_record(); }else{ $dbst = $dbbt; } // Extract Card Details from the page $strCardType=cleanInput($_REQUEST["CardType"],"Text"); $strCardNumber=cleanInput($_REQUEST["CardNumber"],"Number"); $strStartDate=cleanInput($_REQUEST["StartDate"],"Number"); $strExpiryDate=cleanInput($_REQUEST["ExpiryDate"],"Number"); $strIssueNumber=cleanInput($_REQUEST["IssueNumber"],"Number"); $strCV2=cleanInput($_REQUEST["CV2"],"Number"); // Now create the Sage Pay Direct POST /* Now to build the Sage Pay Direct POST. For more details see the Sage Pay Direct Protocol 2.23 ** NB: Fields potentially containing non ASCII characters are URLEncoded when included in the POST */ $strPost="VPSProtocol=" . $strProtocol; $strPost=$strPost . "&TxType=" . $strTransactionType; //PAYMENT by default. You can change this in the includes file $strPost=$strPost . "&Vendor=" . $strVendorName; $strPost=$strPost . "&VendorTxCode=" . $strVendorTxCode; //As generated above $strPost=$strPost . "&Amount=" . number_format($db->f("order_total"),2); //Formatted to 2 decimal places with leading digit but no commas or currency symbols ** $strPost=$strPost . "&Currency=" . $strCurrency; // Up to 100 chars of free format description $strPost=$strPost . "&CardHolder=" . $strCardHolder; $strPost=$strPost . "&CardNumber=" . $strCardNumber; $strPost=$strPost . "&StartDate=" . $strStartDate; $strPost=$strPost . "&ExpiryDate=" . $strExpiryDate; $strPost=$strPost . "&IssueNumber=" . $strIssueNumber; $strPost=$strPost . "&CV2=" . $strCV2; $strPost=$strPost . "&CardType=" . $strCardType; $strPost=$strPost . "&ClientIPAddress=" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $strPost=$strPost . "&AccountType=E"; // SagePay requires a 2-letter country code, not 3 which Joomla is producing // Gather the 2-letter version from `jos_vm_country` $q = "SELECT country_2_code FROM #__vm_country WHERE country_3_code='".$dbbt->f("country")."'"; $dbbtt = new ps_DB; $dbbtt->setQuery($q); $dbbtt->query(); $dbbtt->next_record(); /* Billing Details ** This section is optional in its entirety but if one field of the address is provided then all non-optional fields must be provided ** If AVS/CV2 is ON for your account, or, if paypal cardtype is specified and its not via PayPal Express then this section is compulsory */ // only supply a state for US customers // SagePay requires a 2-letter country code, not 3 which Joomla is producing // Search the 2-letter version from `jos_vm_country` $q = "SELECT country_2_code FROM #__vm_country WHERE country_3_code='".$dbst->f("country")."'"; $dbstt = new ps_DB; $dbstt->setQuery($q); $dbstt->query(); $dbstt->next_record(); /* Delivery Details ** This section is optional in its entirety but if one field of the address is provided then all non-optional fields must be provided ** If paypal cardtype is specified then this section is compulsory */ // only supply a state for US customers /* The full transaction registration POST has now been built ** ** Send the post to the target URL ** if anything goes wrong with the connection process: ** - $arrResponse["Status"] will be 'FAIL'; ** - $arrResponse["StatusDetail"] will be set to describe the problem ** Data is posted to strPurchaseURL which is set depending on whether you are using SIMULATOR, TEST or LIVE */ $arrResponse = requestPost($strPurchaseURL, $strPost); /* Analyse the response from Sage Pay Direct to check that everything is okay ** Registration results come back in the Status and StatusDetail fields */ $strStatus=$arrResponse["Status"]; $strStatusDetail=$arrResponse["StatusDetail"]; /* If this isn't 3D-Auth, then this is an authorisation result (either successful or otherwise) ** ** Get the results form the POST if they are there */ $strVPSTxId=$arrResponse["VPSTxId"]; $strSecurityKey=$arrResponse["SecurityKey"]; $strTxAuthNo=$arrResponse["TxAuthNo"]; $strAVSCV2=$arrResponse["AVSCV2"]; $strAddressResult=$arrResponse["AddressResult"]; $strPostCodeResult=$arrResponse["PostCodeResult"]; $strCV2Result=$arrResponse["CV2Result"]; $str3DSecureStatus=$arrResponse["3DSecureStatus"]; $strCAVV=$arrResponse["CAVV"]; // Update the database and redirect the user appropriately if ($strStatus=="OK") $strDBStatus="AUTHORISED - The transaction was successfully authorised with the bank."; elseif ($strStatus=="MALFORMED") $strDBStatus="MALFORMED - The StatusDetail was:" . mysql_real_escape_string(substr($strStatusDetail,0,255)); elseif ($strStatus=="INVALID") $strDBStatus="INVALID - The StatusDetail was:" . mysql_real_escape_string(substr($strStatusDetail,0,255)); elseif ($strStatus=="NOTAUTHED") $strDBStatus="DECLINED - The transaction was not authorised by the bank."; elseif ($strStatus=="REJECTED") $strDBStatus="REJECTED - The transaction was failed by your 3D-Secure or AVS/CV2 rule-bases."; elseif ($strStatus=="AUTHENTICATED") $strDBStatus="AUTHENTICATED - The transaction was successfully 3D-Secure Authenticated and can now be Authorised."; elseif ($strStatus=="REGISTERED") $strDBStatus="REGISTERED - The transaction was could not be 3D-Secure Authenticated, but has been registered to be Authorised."; elseif ($strStatus=="ERROR") $strDBStatus="ERROR - There was an error during the payment process. The error details are: " . mysql_real_escape_string($strStatusDetail); else $strDBStatus="UNKNOWN - An unknown status was returned from Sage Pay. The Status was: " . mysql_real_escape_string($strStatus) . ", with StatusDetail:" . mysql_real_escape_string($strStatusDetail); // UPDATE THE ORDER STATUS to 'CONFIRMED' if (($strStatus=="OK")||($strStatus=="AUTHENTICATED")||($strStatus=="REGISTERED")){ // SUCCESS: UPDATE THE ORDER STATUS to 'CONFIRMED' $d['order_status'] = 'C'; require_once ( CLASSPATH . 'ps_order.php' ); $ps_order= new ps_order; $ps_order->order_status_update($d); $d["order_payment_log"] = $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_PAYMENT_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS').": ".$strDBStatus; $d["order_payment_trans_id"] = $strVendorTxCode; // Right-o we have a paid for order, lets e-mail the customer require_once( CLASSPATH. 'ps_checkout.php' ); $ps_checkout = new ps_checkout; $ps_checkout->email_receipt($d['order_id']); } else { // FAILED: UPDATE THE ORDER STATUS to 'PENDING' $d['order_status'] = 'P'; require_once ( CLASSPATH . 'ps_order.php' ); $ps_order= new ps_order; $ps_order->order_status_update($d); $d["order_payment_log"] = $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_PAYMENT_TRANSACTION_FAILURE').": ".$strDBStatus; $d["order_payment_trans_id"] = $strVendorTxCode; } // record additional transaction details $q = "UPDATE #__{vm}_order_payment SET "; $q .="order_payment_log='".$d["order_payment_log"]."',"; $q .="order_payment_trans_id='".$d["order_payment_trans_id"]."' "; $q .="WHERE order_id='".$d['order_id']."' "; $db->query( $q ); // Having updated our order transfer user to the order details page vmRedirect(SECUREURL."index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=account.order_details&order_id=".$d['order_id']); } ?>
URL: http://forum.virtuemart.net/index.php?topic=55753