Animate Validation feedback using jQuery

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  1. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
  2. <html xmlns="">
  3. <head>
  4. <title>Animate validation feedback using jQuery</title>
  5. <style type="text/css">
  6. body
  7. {
  8. font-family:Arial, Sans-Serif;
  9. font-size:0.85em;
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  44. ul li
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  51. ul input[type="text"], ul input[type="password"]
  52. {
  53. width:300px;
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  60. ul input.required
  61. {
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  63. }
  64. </style>
  65. <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
  66. <script type="text/javascript">
  67. $(document).ready(function() {
  68. $("#signup").click(function() {
  70. resetFields();
  71. var emptyfields = $("input[value=]");
  72. if (emptyfields.size() > 0) {
  73. emptyfields.each(function() {
  74. $(this).stop()
  75. .animate({ left: "-10px" }, 100).animate({ left: "10px" }, 100)
  76. .animate({ left: "-10px" }, 100).animate({ left: "10px" }, 100)
  77. .animate({ left: "0px" }, 100)
  78. .addClass("required");
  79. });
  80. }
  81. });
  82. });
  83. function resetFields() {
  84. $("input[type=text], input[type=password]").removeClass("required");
  85. }
  86. </script>
  87. </head>
  88. <body>
  90. <h1>JankoAtWarpSpeed demos</h1>
  91. <p>Demo for <a href="">Animate validation feedback using jQuery</a></p>
  92. <h2><img src="header.png" alt="Account information" /></h2>
  93. <ul>
  94. <li class="first">
  95. <h3>Your Name</h3>
  96. <p>
  98. <input type="text" value="First and Last name" id="name" name="name" /></p>
  99. </li>
  100. <li>
  101. <h3>Email</h3>
  102. <p>
  103. <input type="text" value="[email protected]" name="email" /></p>
  104. </li>
  105. <li>
  107. <h3>Password</h3>
  108. <p>
  109. <input type="password" name="passwd" /></p>
  110. </li>
  111. <li>
  112. <h3>Password confirmation</h3>
  113. <p>
  114. <input type="password" name="passwd_conf" /></p>
  116. </li>
  117. <li>
  118. <h3>User name</h3>
  119. <p>
  120. <input type="text" value="MyUserName" id="userName" name="user_name" /></p>
  121. </li>
  122. <li class="last">
  123. <a id="signup" href="#"><img src="button.png" alt="Fake signup button" style="vertical-align:middle;" /></a><img src="clickhere.png" alt="" style="vertical-align:middle;" />
  125. </li>
  126. </ul>
  127. </body>
  128. </html>

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