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E:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop>bcp rsrelax.dbo.giata_desc OUT giata.dat -n -Usa -PXXX -Slocalhost Starting copy... 1000 rows successfully bulk-copied to host-file. Total received: 1000 1934 rows copied. Network packet size (bytes): 4096 Clock Time (ms.) Total : 422 Average : (4582.94 rows per sec.) E:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop>bcp relax09.dbo.giata_desc IN giata.dat -n -Usa -PXXX -Slocalhost Starting copy... 1000 rows sent to SQL Server. Total sent: 1000 1934 rows copied. Network packet size (bytes): 4096 Clock Time (ms.) Total : 8954 Average : (215.99 rows per sec.)