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Jon Tangerine / silo / CSS / Pixels to Ems Conversion Table for CSS A companion reference to the article, The Incredible Em and Elastic Layouts With CSS. The em values in the table assume that the generic browser default setting of 16px font size has not being changed. It also assumes that the <body> has font size set to 1em or 100%. px font-size em equivalent * Rounded to 3dp 1px in ems Notes 11 0.689 * 0.091 12 0.750 0.083 13 0.814 * 0.077 14 0.875 0.071 15 0.938 * 0.067 16 1.000 0.063 Browser standard default 17 1.064 * 0.059 18 1.125 0.056 19 1.188 * 0.053 20 1.250 0.050 21 1.313 * 0.048 22 1.375 0.046 23 1.438 * 0.044 24 1.500 0.042 25 1.563 * 0.040 26 1.625 0.039 27 1.688 * 0.037 28 1.750 0.036 29 1.813 * 0.035 30 1.875 0.033 Formula to calculate em equivalent for any pixel value required 1 ÷ parent font size (px) × required pixels = em equivalent Example: 770px wide, centred elastic layout using CSS and ems N.B. This assumes the browser default font size is unchanged at 16px. body{} selector set to font-size:1em;. Using the forumla*: 1 ÷ 16 × 770 = 48.125em CSS: body{ font-size:1em; text-align:center; } div{ width:48.125em; margin;0 auto; } HTML: <html> <body> <div> … </div> </body> </html> *I deliberately hooked the formula for the tutorial around 1px, as a value that designers can easily relate to. However, there is a faster way of calculating an em value that I use. You need to be familliar with the sticky issue of CSS inheritance and know the font size of the parent, but it goes like this: Required element pixel value ÷ parent font size in pixels = em value So, our required width of 770px in ems can be calculated like this: 770 ÷ 16 = 48.125em Jon Tan fecit, 2006–2008. download vCard (via X2V).
URL: http://jontangerine.com/silo/css/pixels-to-ems/