/ Published in: JavaScript

The snippet uses the native Javascript function so it should be more efficient then for instance using arithmetic or looped bitwise operations etc.
// convert the decimal 10 to hex
Math.base(10, 16); // 'a'
// convert the hex 'a' to decimal
Math.base('a', 10, 16); // 10
// convert the decimal 10 to binary
Math.base(10, 2); // '1010'
// convert the hex 'a' to decimal
Math.base('a', 2, 16); // 1010
[Base conversion in JavaScript][1]
[1]: http://www.bucabay.com/web-development/base-conversion-in-javascript/ "Base conversion in JavaScript"
// convert the decimal 10 to hex
Math.base(10, 16); // 'a'
// convert the hex 'a' to decimal
Math.base('a', 10, 16); // 10
// convert the decimal 10 to binary
Math.base(10, 2); // '1010'
// convert the hex 'a' to decimal
Math.base('a', 2, 16); // 1010
[Base conversion in JavaScript][1]
[1]: http://www.bucabay.com/web-development/base-conversion-in-javascript/ "Base conversion in JavaScript"
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Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
Math.base = function base(n, to, from) { return parseInt(n, from || 10).toString(to); }
URL: http://www.bucabay.com/web-development/base-conversion-in-javascript/