/ Published in: Python

A Django model manager capable of using different database connections.
Inspired by:
* [Eric Florenzano](http://www.eflorenzano.com/blog/post/easy-multi-database-support-django/)
* [Kenneth Falck](http://kfalck.net/2009/07/01/multiple-databases-and-sharding-with-django)
There's a more detailed version in Portuguese in my blog:
[Manager para diferentes conexões de banco no Django](http://ricobl.wordpress.com/2009/08/06/manager-para-diferentes-conexoes-de-banco-no-django/)
Inspired by:
* [Eric Florenzano](http://www.eflorenzano.com/blog/post/easy-multi-database-support-django/)
* [Kenneth Falck](http://kfalck.net/2009/07/01/multiple-databases-and-sharding-with-django)
There's a more detailed version in Portuguese in my blog:
[Manager para diferentes conexões de banco no Django](http://ricobl.wordpress.com/2009/08/06/manager-para-diferentes-conexoes-de-banco-no-django/)
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Sample settings: DATABASE_ENGINE = 'postgresql_psycopg2' DATABASE_NAME = 'default_db_name' DATABASE_USER = 'user' DATABASE_PASSWORD = '' DATABASE_HOST = '' DATABASE_PORT = '' # Any omitted property will inherit the default value from settings DATABASES = { 'default': {}, 'alternative': { 'DATABASE_NAME': 'alternative_db_name', }, } """ from django.conf import settings from django.db import models, backend # Default connection db_settings = { 'DATABASE_HOST': settings.DATABASE_HOST, 'DATABASE_NAME': settings.DATABASE_NAME, 'DATABASE_OPTIONS': settings.DATABASE_OPTIONS, 'DATABASE_PASSWORD': settings.DATABASE_PASSWORD, 'DATABASE_PORT': settings.DATABASE_PORT, 'DATABASE_USER': settings.DATABASE_USER, 'TIME_ZONE': settings.TIME_ZONE, } def prepare_db_settings(db_profile_name): """ Takes custom database settings, replaces missing values with the defaults from settings and returns a new connection dict. """ return dict(db_settings, **settings.DATABASES[db_profile_name]) class MultiDBManager(models.Manager): """ A manager that can connect to different databases. """ def use(self, db_profile_name): """ Return a queryset connected to a custom database. """ # Get customized database settings to use in a new connection wrapper db_settings = prepare_db_settings(db_profile_name) # Get the queryset and replace its connection qs = self.get_query_set() qs.query.connection = backend.DatabaseWrapper(db_settings) return qs
URL: http://ricobl.wordpress.com/2009/08/06/manager-para-diferentes-conexoes-de-banco-no-django/