Single line textbox in wxHaskell

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This snippet shows you how to create a single-line text box, or how to use windowGetWindowStyleFlag.
Press enter to put text in the textbox into the console.

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  1. import EnableGUI -- from
  3. import Graphics.UI.WXCore
  4. import Graphics.UI.WX hiding
  5. import Data.Bits ((.&.), complement)
  7. textCtrlSetSingleLine ctrl = do
  8. style <- windowGetWindowStyleFlag ctrl
  9. windowSetWindowStyleFlag ctrl (style .&. (complement wxTE_MULTILINE))
  11. gui
  12. = do f <- frame [text := "single line textbox sample"]
  13. input <- textCtrlRich f [bgcolor := black, textColor := white, font := fontFixed{ _fontSize = 12 }]
  14. set f [layout := column 1 [hfill (widget input)]]
  15. set input [processEnter := True]
  16. textCtrlSetSingleLine input
  17. set input [on command := onEnter input]
  18. return ()
  19. where
  20. onEnter input
  21. = do
  22. txt <- get input text
  23. set input [text := ""]
  25. main = enableGUI >> start gui

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