/ Published in: Ruby

Just name it s3cp (or similar), chmod it, and then you can do stuff like:
s3cp ~/somefile.whatever bucket
s3cp ~/somefile.whatever bucket
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#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'aws/s3' local_file = ARGV[0] bucket = ARGV[1] mime_type = ARGV[2] || "application/octet-stream" AWS::S3::Base.establish_connection!( :access_key_id => 'REPLACE_ME', :secret_access_key => 'REPLACE_ME' ) base_name = File.basename(local_file) puts "Uploading #{local_file} as '#{base_name}' to '#{bucket}'" AWS::S3::S3Object.store( base_name, File.open(local_file), bucket, :content_type => mime_type ) puts "Uploaded!"
URL: http://www.rubyinside.com/simple-file-upload-to-amazon-s3-from-ruby-313.html