/ Published in: ActionScript 3
The way you use this is: Align.toTopCenter( objectOnStage );
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package utils { import flash.display.DisplayObject; public class Align { public function Align() { } public static function toCenter( obj:DisplayObject ):void { obj.x = obj.stage.stageWidth / 2 - obj.width / 2; obj.y = obj.stage.stageHeight / 2 - obj.height / 2; } public static function toTopLeft( obj:DisplayObject ):void { obj.x = obj.stage.x; obj.y = obj.stage.y; } public static function toTopCenter( obj:DisplayObject ):void { obj.x = obj.stage.stageWidth / 2 - obj.width / 2; obj.y = obj.stage.y; } public static function toTopRight( obj:DisplayObject ):void { obj.x = obj.stage.stageWidth - obj.width; obj.y = obj.stage.y; } public static function toBottomRight( obj:DisplayObject ):void { obj.x = obj.stage.stageWidth - obj.width; obj.y = obj.stage.stageHeight - obj.height; } public static function toBottomCenter( obj:DisplayObject ):void { obj.x = obj.stage.stageWidth / 2 - obj.width / 2; obj.y = obj.stage.stageHeight - obj.height; } public static function toBottomLeft( obj:DisplayObject ):void { obj.x = obj.stage.x; obj.y = obj.stage.stageHeight - obj.height; } } }