DzR Master Stylesheet (Part II, Classes)

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An add-on to [my reset stylesheet]( "DzR Full CSS Reset"). Many helpful classes for layout, writing styles, paged media, etc.

For the `printHref` class, you'll need to replace "" with your own domain.

[Part I]( "DzR Master Stylesheet (Part I, Reset)")
[Part III]( "DzR Master Stylesheet (Part III, IE)")

Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. /**************************************************************************************************/
  2. /*This stylesheet was created for HTML 4.01 using CSS 3 (and older)
  3. /*Tested on Windows versions of Firefox 1.5-3.0, IE 6-7, Safari 3.2, Opera 9.2-9.6, and K-Meleon 1.5
  4. /*
  5. /*REPLACE "" WITH YOUR OWN DOMAIN in the paged media styles near the bottom! (Search for "TODO".)
  6. /*
  7. /*1.0: Layout
  8. /*2.0: Paragraphs
  9. /*3.0: Lists
  10. /*4.0: Tables
  11. /*5.0: Miscellaneous
  12. /*6.0: Form Errors
  13. /*7.0: Media-Specific
  14. /**************************************************************************************************/
  16. /*******************/
  17. /*** 1.0: Layout ***/
  18. /*******************/
  20. .break {
  21. clear:both;
  22. height:0;
  23. overflow:hidden;
  24. }
  25. .clear { clear:both; }
  27. /*sometimes javascript has trouble setting, so you can set elem.className instead:*/
  28. .floatLeft { float:left !important; }
  29. .floatRight { float:right !important; }
  30. .floatNone { float:none !important; }
  32. /*Note: these don't work in IE at all; other browsers may have issues*/
  33. .table { display:table; }
  34. .tcaption { display:table-caption; }
  35. .tcolgroup { display:table-column-group; }
  36. .tcol { display:table-column; }
  37. .thead { display:table-header-group; }
  38. .tbody { display:table-row-group; }
  39. .tfoot { display:table-footer-group; }
  40. .tr { display:table-row; }
  41. .th, .td { display:table-cell; }
  43. .centerBlock {
  44. display:table;
  45. margin-left:auto;
  46. margin-right:auto;
  47. }
  49. body.fullHeight {
  50. height:100%;
  51. padding:0;
  52. border-top:1px solid transparent; margin-top:-1px; /*defeat Firefox bug*/
  53. }
  55. /***********************/
  56. /*** 2.0: Paragraphs ***/
  57. /***********************/
  59. /*indented paragraphs are usually used in books*/
  60. .indent p + p { margin-top:-1em; } /*no space between the paragraphs*/
  61. .indent p, p.indent { text-indent:1.25em; }
  62. p.noIndent, .indent p:first-child,
  63. .indent h1 + p, .indent h2 + p, .indent h3 + p,
  64. .indent h4 + p, .indent h5 + p, .indent h6 + p {
  65. text-indent:0; /*if this is the first paragraph or it immediately follows a header, it shouldn't be indented*/
  66. }
  67. .indent p.indent { text-indent:1.25em; }
  69. /*hanging paragraphs/indents are usually used for bibliographies*/
  70. .hang p, p.hang { padding-left:1.25em; text-indent:-1.25em; }
  71. p.noHang { padding-left:0; text-indent:0; }
  73. /******************/
  74. /*** 3.0: Lists ***/
  75. /******************/
  77. ol.bullets { list-style-type:disc; }
  78. ol.bullets ol { list-style-type:circle; }
  79. ol.bullets ol ol { list-style-type:square; }
  81. ul.inside, ol.inside {
  82. padding-left:0;
  83. list-style-position:inside;
  84. }
  86. ul.inline, ol.inline {
  87. display:inline;
  88. list-style-type:none;
  89. padding-left:0;
  90. }
  91. ul.inline>li, ol.inline>li {
  92. display:inline;
  93. }
  95. /*Adds delimiters for inline lists. For example (if the browser supports this class fully):
  96. /* <ul class="inline delimit"><li>bread</li><li>milk</li><li>peanut butter</li></ul>
  97. /*becomes:
  98. /* bread, milk, and peanut butter
  99. /*Note: these don't work in IE nor Opera 9.2; pseudo-element ::after and pseudo-classes :last-child and :nth-last-child()
  100. /* aren't supported.
  101. /*Note: the "and" ones don't work in Firefox or K-Meleon; pseudo-class :nth-last-child() isn't supported.*/
  102. ul.inline.delimit>li:after, ol.inline.delimit>li:after { content:", "; }
  103. ul.inline.delimit>li::after, ol.inline.delimit>li::after { content:", "; }
  104. ul.inline.delimit>li:nth-last-child(2):after, ol.inline.delimit>li:nth-last-child(2):after { content:", and "; }
  105. ul.inline.delimit>li:nth-last-child(2)::after, ol.inline.delimit>li:nth-last-child(2)::after { content:", and "; }
  106. ul.inline.delimit>li:first-child:nth-last-child(2):after, ol.inline.delimit>li:first-child:nth-last-child(2):after {
  107. content:" and ";
  108. }
  109. ul.inline.delimit>li:first-child:nth-last-child(2)::after, ol.inline.delimit>li:first-child:nth-last-child(2)::after {
  110. content:" and ";
  111. }
  112. ul.inline.delimit>li:last-child:after, ol.inline.delimit>li:last-child:after { content:""; }
  113. ul.inline.delimit>li:last-child::after, ol.inline.delimit>li:last-child::after { content:""; }
  115. ol.code {
  116. padding-left:2.75em; /*allows room for 3 digits (font dependent, of course)*/
  117. background-color:#E6E6E6;
  118. }
  119. ol.code>li {
  120. font-family:"Envy Code R", "Courier New", Courier, monospace;
  121. white-space:pre-wrap;
  122. }
  124. /*lines class allows the line numbers to be styled separately by using counters; can't with list-style-type:decimal*/
  125. /*Note: this doesn't work in IE; pseudo-element ::before isn't supported*/
  126. ol.lines {
  127. padding-left:2em;
  128. counter-reset:codeLine;
  129. list-style-type:none;
  130. }
  131. ol.lines>li { position:relative; }
  132. ol.lines>li:before {
  133. counter-increment:codeLine;
  134. content:counter(codeLine) ". ";
  135. white-space:pre;
  136. display:inline-block;
  137. min-width:2em;
  138. margin-left:-2em;
  139. text-align:right; /*note: if content exceeds the min-width, it will appear as if left-aligned*/
  140. }
  141. ol.lines>li::before {
  142. counter-increment:codeLine;
  143. content:counter(codeLine) ". ";
  144. white-space:pre;
  145. display:inline-block;
  146. min-width:2em;
  147. margin-left:-2em;
  148. text-align:right; /*note: if content exceeds the min-width, it will appear as if left-aligned*/
  149. }
  151. ol.code.lines {
  152. padding-left:2.75em; /*allows room for 3 digits (font dependent, of course)*/
  153. }
  154. ol.code.lines>li:before {
  155. min-width:2.5em;
  156. margin-left:-2.5em;
  157. font-weight:bold;
  158. }
  159. ol.code.lines>li::before {
  160. min-width:2.5em;
  161. margin-left:-2.5em;
  162. font-weight:bold;
  163. }
  165. /*tree class displays the list like a file tree
  166. /*Note: this doesn't work properly in K-Meleon, Firefox 1.5-2.0, and IE 6 (IE 6 is fixed in its stylesheet)
  167. /*Note: IE doesn't support pseudo-class :last-child, so the bottom parts of the borders aren't hidden
  168. /*besides the root `ol`, the `tree` class on elements is only required for IE 6
  169. /*the HTML must be like this:
  170. Root
  171. <ol class="tree">
  172. <li><div class="tree"><span class="tree"></span>Item 1</div>
  173. <ol>
  174. <li><div class="tree"><span class="tree"></span>Item 1A</div></li>
  175. <li><div class="tree"><span class="tree"></span>Item 1B</div></li>
  176. </ol></li>
  177. <li><div class="tree"><span class="tree"></span>Item 2</div>
  178. <ol>
  179. <li><div class="tree"><span class="tree"></span>Item 2A</div></li>
  180. </ol></li>
  181. </ol>*/
  182. ol.tree, ol.tree ol {
  183. list-style-type:none;
  184. padding:0;
  185. margin:0;
  186. margin-left:1.5ex; /*distance between left edge of div and border of sublist items*/
  187. }
  188. ol.tree li {
  189. padding-left:1.55ex; /*= A = width of item "bullet"*/
  190. text-indent:-1.55ex; /*= -A*/
  191. border-left:1px solid #BBB; /*= B = border width*/
  192. }
  193. ol.tree li:last-child {
  194. border-left:0;
  195. }
  196. ol.tree li > div:first-child {
  197. padding-top:0.2em; /*= C*/
  198. padding-right:0.4ex;
  199. padding-bottom:0.2em;
  200. padding-left:0;
  201. }
  202. ol.tree li:last-child > div:first-child {
  203. margin-left:1px; /*= B*/
  204. }
  205. ol.tree li > div:first-child > span:first-child {
  206. display:inline-block;
  207. vertical-align:top;
  208. margin-top:-0.2em; /*= -C*/
  209. height:0.825em; /*= C + (line-height)/2*/
  210. border-bottom:1px solid #BBB;
  211. width:1.55ex; /*= A*/
  212. border-left:0;
  213. margin-right:0.4ex; /*= D = div content's apparent padding-left*/
  214. }
  215. ol.tree li:last-child > div:first-child > span:first-child {
  216. border-left:1px solid #BBB; /*= B*/
  217. margin-left:-1px; /*= -B*/
  218. }
  220. /*******************/
  221. /*** 4.0: Tables ***/
  222. /*******************/
  224. table.basic td, table.basic th {
  225. padding:0.25em 0.4em;
  226. border-width:1px;
  227. }
  228. table.basic th {
  229. font-weight:bold;
  230. text-align:center;
  231. }
  233. /**************************/
  234. /*** 5.0: Miscellaneous ***/
  235. /**************************/
  237. pre.code { background-color:#E6E6E6; }
  239. .bold { font-weight:bold; }
  240. .italic { font-style:italic; }
  242. ins.update {
  243. font-style:normal;
  244. font-weight:bold;
  245. }
  247. abbr.define, acronym.define {
  248. border-bottom:1px dotted #000;
  249. border-bottom:1px dotted currentColor;
  250. }
  252. sup.footnote, sup.math, .math sup,, .science sup { vertical-align:super; }
  253. sup.ordinal, sup.mark, sup.currency, sup.fraction, sup.abbrev, sup.temperature { vertical-align:text-top; }
  254. sub.fraction, sub.abbrev { vertical-align:baseline; }
  255. sub.math, .math sub,, .science sub { vertical-align:sub; }
  257. /************************/
  258. /*** 6.0: Form Errors ***/
  259. /************************/
  261. label.error, .error label { color:#F00; }
  263. input[type="text"].error, .error input[type="text"],
  264. input[type="password"].error, .error input[type="password"],
  265. textarea.error, .error textarea,
  266. select.error, .error select {
  267. background-color:#FDD;
  268. }
  270. /***************************/
  271. /*** 7.0: Media-Specific ***/
  272. /***************************/
  273. /*audio, aural (deprecated), braille, embossed, handheld, print, projection, screen, speech, tty, tv*/
  275. @media handheld {
  277. .indent p, p.indent { text-indent:1em; }
  278. p.noIndent, .indent p:first-child,
  279. .indent h1 + p, .indent h2 + p, .indent h3 + p,
  280. .indent h4 + p, .indent h5 + p, .indent h6 + p {
  281. text-indent:0;
  282. }
  283. .indent p.indent { text-indent:1em; }
  285. .hang p, p.hang { padding-left:1; text-indent:-1em; }
  287. img.decoration, img.ornamental { display:none; }
  289. }
  291. @media embossed, print, projection, tv {
  293. .newPage { page-break-before:always; }
  295. }
  297. @media embossed, print {
  299. .accessLink, .skipLink { display:none; } /*to hide links like "skip to navigation"*/
  301. /*The printHref class adds the href of a link to the printed page.*/
  302. a.printHref:after,
  303. /*.printHref a:after, /*TODO: uncomment if you want to print all URIs (and relative URLs)*/
  304. .printHref a[href^="http://"]:after, .printHref a[href^="https://"]:after {
  305. /*Note: In general, the value of the href attribute is case-sensitive, so "HTTP://" (for example) may not match
  306.   these selectors. See */
  307. content:" (" attr(href) ")";
  308. color:#888;
  309. font-size:0.8em;
  310. }
  311. a.printHref::after,
  312. /*.printHref a::after, /*TODO: uncomment if you want to print all URIs (and relative URLs)*/
  313. .printHref a[href^="http://"]::after, .printHref a[href^="https://"]::after {
  314. /*Note: In general, the value of the href attribute is case-sensitive, so "HTTP://" (for example) may not match
  315.   these selectors. See */
  316. content:" (" attr(href) ")";
  317. color:#888;
  318. font-size:0.8em;
  319. }
  320. a.printHref[href^="/"]:after, .printHref a[href^="/"]:after {
  321. content:" (" attr(href) ")"; /*TODO: replace with your domain*/
  322. color:#888;
  323. font-size:0.8em;
  324. }
  325. a.printHref[href^="/"]::after, .printHref a[href^="/"]::after {
  326. content:" (" attr(href) ")"; /*TODO: replace with your domain*/
  327. color:#888;
  328. font-size:0.8em;
  329. }
  330. .printHref a[href^="#"]:after,
  331. .printHref a[href^="#"]::after,
  332. .printHref a.noPrintHref:after { content:""; }
  333. .printHref a.noPrintHref::after { content:""; }
  335. }
  337. @media aural, speech {
  339. .male { voice-family:male; }
  340. .female { voice-family:female; }
  341. .child { voice-family:child; }
  343. }

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