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#!/usr/bin/python """ Author: Saophalkun Ponlu (http://phalkunz.com) Contact: [email protected] Date: May 23, 2009 """ import sys, os, re # add more status & color codes colors = { "M": "31", # red "\?": "32", # green "C": "30;41" # black on red } # build a paramter list parameters = ""; for i in range(1, sys.argv.__len__()): parameters += sys.argv[i] + " "; status = os.popen('svn st ' + parameters); for line in status: passed = False # remove newline character from the line line = re.sub("\n", "", line) for color in colors: match = re.match(color+(" "*6), line) if match: os.popen("echo '\E[" + colors[color] + "m" + line + "\E[m'", 'w') passed = True if(passed): continue os.popen("echo \"" + line + "\"", 'w')
URL: http://phalkunz.com/2009/05/23/print-color-coded-svn-status/