/ Published in: PHP

This Ditto snippet call does the following:
Parses through all the documents that have the parent document with the ID #12 (change this to reflect the id of the parent doc you are working with).
Filters out any documents that were not created by the author with the id of 1. The format is &filter=`createdby,userID,1(not equal to)`.
Formats the output using the chunk "blog-post" as a template.
Displays 10 documents this way.
Parses through all the documents that have the parent document with the ID #12 (change this to reflect the id of the parent doc you are working with).
Filters out any documents that were not created by the author with the id of 1. The format is &filter=`createdby,userID,1(not equal to)`.
Formats the output using the chunk "blog-post" as a template.
Displays 10 documents this way.
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[!Ditto? &parents=`12` &filter=`createdby,1,1` &tpl=`blog-post` &display=`10` !]