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# Change the ownership of all files owned by one user. # Finds all files in /home owned by UID 1056 and changes to 2056. # See: http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/892/change-the-ownership-of-all-files-owned-by-one-user. find /home -uid 1056 -exec chown 2056 {} \; # Changing files ownership in a directory recursivley from a user to another # See: http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/414/recursive-ownership-change chown -cR --from=olduser:oldgroup newuser:newgroup * find path/to/dir -user fred -exec chown barney '{}' \; # Or, if you wish to change also the group name of the file's ownership # to match the new user name, find the new user's group name and plug it into this: find path/to/dir -user fred -exec chown barney:barneygroup '{}' \; # Caveats: # 1. Not only will this change the files under the specified directory, # but it will change the directory itself, if the ownership matches. # 2. Changing files owned by root can hose your system. # See: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/linux-programming-scripting/132312-changing-all-files-owned-root-assigned-other-user.html