/ Published in: JavaScript

ErrorConstructor produces error constructors that behave the same way as the seven native error constructors.
Usage: `ErrorConstructor([constructorName])`
*If no constructorName is specified, the default of `Error.prototype.name` is used*
Usage for generated error constructor: `errorConstructor([message[, location[, lineNumber]])`
var SecurityError = ErrorConstructor("Security Error"),
MarkupError = ErrorConstructor("(X)HTML Markup Error");
//these will both throw a SecurityError starting with "Security Error on line 83:"
var xss_error = "Possible XSS Vector\n\
JSON XHR response parsed with eval()\n\
Recommended fix: Parse JSON with JSON.parse";
throw new SecurityError(xss_error, "/js/searchResultsJSONloader.js", 83);
throw SecurityError(xss_error, "/js/searchResultsJSONloader.js", 83);
//these will both throw the following MarkupError:
//"(X)HTML Markup Error on line 1: Invalid DOCTYPE"
throw new MarkupError("Invalid DOCTYPE");
throw MarkupError("Invalid DOCTYPE");
Usage: `ErrorConstructor([constructorName])`
*If no constructorName is specified, the default of `Error.prototype.name` is used*
Usage for generated error constructor: `errorConstructor([message[, location[, lineNumber]])`
var SecurityError = ErrorConstructor("Security Error"),
MarkupError = ErrorConstructor("(X)HTML Markup Error");
//these will both throw a SecurityError starting with "Security Error on line 83:"
var xss_error = "Possible XSS Vector\n\
JSON XHR response parsed with eval()\n\
Recommended fix: Parse JSON with JSON.parse";
throw new SecurityError(xss_error, "/js/searchResultsJSONloader.js", 83);
throw SecurityError(xss_error, "/js/searchResultsJSONloader.js", 83);
//these will both throw the following MarkupError:
//"(X)HTML Markup Error on line 1: Invalid DOCTYPE"
throw new MarkupError("Invalid DOCTYPE");
throw MarkupError("Invalid DOCTYPE");
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function ErrorConstructor(constructorName) { var errorConstructor = function(message, fileName, lineNumber) { // don't directly name this function, .name is used by Error.prototype.toString if (this == window) return new arguments.callee(message, fileName, lineNumber); this.name = errorConstructor.name; this.message = message||""; this.fileName = fileName||location.href; if (!isNaN(+lineNumber)) this.lineNumber = +lineNumber; else this.lineNumber = 1; } errorConstructor.name = constructorName||Error.prototype.name; errorConstructor.prototype.toString = Error.prototype.toString; return errorConstructor; } // This part is optional and simulates an Error object for Object.prototype.toString (function(){ var realObjectToString = Object.prototype.toString, realFunctionToString = Function.prototype.toString; Object.prototype.toString = function() { if (this.constructor.prototype.toString === Error.prototype.toString) return "[object Error]"; else return realObjectToString.call(this); }; Function.prototype.toString = function() { if (this === Function.prototype.toString || this === Object.prototype.toString) return realObjectToString.toString(); else return realFunctionToString.call(this); } })()
URL: http://eligrey.com/2009/03/29/custom-error-constructors/