/ Published in: jQuery

A very simple plug-in I wrote to make x number of columns equal height. Looks for the column with the biggest height then sets the rest to the same. I'm sure it can be made cleaner, will look into that later.
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/** * @projectDescription Simple Equal Columns * @author Matt Hobbs * @version 0.01 */ jQuery.fn.equalCols = function(){ //Array Sorter var sortNumber = function(a,b){return b - a;}; var heights = []; //Push each height into an array $(this).each(function(){ heights.push($(this).height()); }); heights.sort(sortNumber); var maxHeight = heights[0]; return this.each(function(){ //Set each column to the max height $(this).css({'height': maxHeight}); }); }; //Usage jQuery(function($){ //Select the columns that need to be equal e.g $('div.column').equalCols(); $('#col1,#col2,#col3').equalCols(); });