/ Published in: JavaScript

Sometime, you need unique classes on the leave join button of the groups page. Place this script in your AC footer.
For more tips and tricks checkout the <a href="http://www.kickdeveloper.com/resources">KickApps resources page</a>.
For more tips and tricks checkout the <a href="http://www.kickdeveloper.com/resources">KickApps resources page</a>.
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Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
var oldStallLeaveJoin = stallLeaveJoin; newStallLeaveJoing = function() { var isMember = $j('#ka_joinButton > input').attr('value') == "leave this group"; if (isMember) { $j('#ka_joinButton > input').addClass('ka_isMember').removeClass('ka_isNotMember'); } else { $j('#ka_joinButton > input').addClass('ka_isNotMember').removeClass('ka_isMember'); } }; stallLeaveJoin = function() { newStallLeaveJoing(); oldStallLeaveJoin(); }; // uncomment the below line only if needed // newStallLeaveJoing();