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<?php // USED WITH ACCRISOFT FREEDOM // USED TO PULL PAGE_TITLE_OVERRIDE, BUT DEFAULT TO PAGE TITLE WHEN EMPTY // MUST HAVE CREATED A TAG FIRST!!! [[tag.page_title_override]] // WRAPPED IN GENDOCS CONDITIONAL if ($_REQUEST['src'] == 'gendocs') { $x_sql = "SELECT metatags FROM gendocs WHERE keywords = '{$_REQUEST['ref']}' LIMIT 1 "; $x_result = mysql_query($x_sql); $x_row = mysql_fetch_array($x_result); $x_lines = split("\n", $x_row['metatags']); foreach($x_lines as $x_line) { if (strstr ($x_line, 'Page_Title_Override')) { list($null, $x_title) = split("=", $x_line); } } if ($x_title == '') { ?> <?php } else { echo "<title>Grand Oak | {$x_title}</title>"; } } else { ?> <?php } ?>