/ Published in: PHP

Add this code to the top of the JS or CSS file in <?php ?> tags. Change it's extension to PHP. When linking external files in the <head> tags remember to use .php instead of .js or .css
To further decrease the file size, compress larger JS/CSS files with the YUI compressor: <a href="http://www.refresh-sf.com/yui/">http://www.refresh-sf.com/yui/</a>
Comparison: <a href="http://www.julienlecomte.net/blog/2007/08/13/">http://www.julienlecomte.net/blog/2007/08/13/</a>
To further decrease the file size, compress larger JS/CSS files with the YUI compressor: <a href="http://www.refresh-sf.com/yui/">http://www.refresh-sf.com/yui/</a>
Comparison: <a href="http://www.julienlecomte.net/blog/2007/08/13/">http://www.julienlecomte.net/blog/2007/08/13/</a>
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