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This source code uses the xml file posted here(http://snipplr.com/view/4138/backup-script2--confg-file/) to know which file should be sent and mailing configuration.
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# BACKUP.PY # Examples: # # python backup.py # # Help: # python backup.py --help # # Custom config file: # python backup.py -c custom.xml # python backup.py --configFile=custom.xml # # Author: mjsmagalhaes # E-mail: mjsmagalhaes (\at) gmail (\dot) com import getopt import os import sys import smtplib import tarfile import time import zipfile import xml.dom.minidom as xml from email import MIMEBase from email import MIMEMultipart from email import Encoders ##################################### def usage(): print 'BACKUP.PY Automatic backup script' print ' Options:' print '' print ' -c, --config-file : Load a xml file with backup settings' print ' default : config.xml' print '' print ' -C, --compression : bzip2 or zip(future)' print ' default : gzip' print '' print ' -h, --help : Display program usage' print '' print ' ______________________________________________' print ' Settings Files:' print '' print ' -- BACKUP Nodes --' print ' Multiplicity: 0 or more' print ' Attributes:' print ' pathToCompress - File or directory to include in compressed file' print ' file_prefix - Compressed filename prefix' print ' file_suffix - Compressed filename suffix. Google dont like .tar.gz' print ' send - Indicates if the compressed file should be attached or not' print '' print ' Compressed file names are file_prefix + timestamp + file_suffix' print '' print ' -- MAIL Nodes --' print ' Multiplicity: 0 or more' print ' Attributes:' print ' from - email sender' print ' to - email receiver' print ' subject_prefix - messages\'subject are subject_prefix + timestamp' print '' print ' Child Nodes:' print ' -- FILE Nodes --' print ' Multiplicity: 0 or more' print ' Attributes:' print ' path - Points to a path to be attached in the message' print '' print '' print " Author: mjsmagalhaes print " E-mail: mjsmagalhaes (\\at) lps (\\dot) ufrj (\\dot) br" ##################################### def calcDirSize(arg, dir, files): for file in files: stats = os.stat(os.path.join(dir, file)) size = stats[6] arg.append(size) def getDirSize(dir): sizes = [] os.path.walk(dir, calcDirSize, sizes) total = 0 for size in sizes: total = total + size return total def forHumans(total): if total > 1073741824: return (round(total/1073741824.0, 2), 'GB') if total > 1048576: return (round(total/1048576.0, 2), 'MB') if total > 1024: return (round(total/1024.0, 2), 'KB') return (total, 'bytes') def compress(pathToCompress, fileName, compressionMethod): if compressionMethod in ('bz2','gz'): tar = tarfile.open(fileName, 'w:'+compressionMethod) elif compressionMethod == 'zip': print 'Not supported yet' print 'Using gzip' compressionMethod = 'gz' #tar = zipfile.ZipFile(fileName,'w') tar = tarfile.open(fileName, 'w:'+compressionMethod) else: compressionMethod = 'gz' tar = tarfile.open(fileName, 'w:'+compressionMethod) print 'Compressing ...' print pathToCompress print 'in ' + fileName + ' with ' + compressionMethod #print 'Compression Method - ' + compressionMethod r_rawSize = 0; for path in pathToCompress: if compressionMethod == 'bz2': tar.add(path) elif compressionMethod == 'zip': tar.write(path) else: tar.add(path) #end - else if os.path.isdir(path): r_rawSize += getDirSize(path) else: r_rawSize += os.path.getsize(path); # end - for tar.close(); print r_rawSize r_tarSize = os.stat(fileName)[6] rawSize = forHumans(r_rawSize); tarSize = forHumans(r_tarSize); #print 'Compressed: ' + pathToCompress + ' in ' + fileName print ' Compressed size: ' + str(tarSize[0]) + tarSize[1] print ' Original Size: ' + str(rawSize[0]) + rawSize[1] print ' Compression Rate: ' + str(100 - 100*r_tarSize/r_rawSize) + '%' def mail(email, att): msg = MIMEMultipart.MIMEMultipart(); msg['subject']=email['subject'] msg['from']=email['from'] msg['to']=email['to'] for path in att: print 'Attaching ' + path fp = open(path, 'rb') att_file = MIMEBase.MIMEBase('application','octet-stream') att_file.set_payload(fp.read()) fp.close() Encoders.encode_base64(att_file) att_file.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=path) msg.attach(att_file) print 'Sending mail - ' + msg['subject'] print 'from: ' + msg['from'] print 'to: ' + msg['to'] s = smtplib.SMTP() s.connect(email['server'], email['port']) s.ehlo() if not(email['tls'] in ('no', 'No', 'NO')): s.starttls() s.ehlo() s.login(email['user'],email['passwd']) s.sendmail(msg['from'],msg['to'],msg.as_string()) s.quit() def main(argv): ##################################### # Resolve config pathToCompress = [] fileToSend = [] ##################################### # Defaults settingsFile = 'config.xml' compressionMethod = 'gzip' ##################################### # Parse cmd line options try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "c:hC:", ["config-file=",'help','compression=']) except getopt.GetoptError: usage() sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): usage() sys.exit() elif opt in ("-c", "--config-file"): settingsFile = arg elif opt in ("-C", "--compression"): compressionMethod = arg ##################################### # Timestamp t = time.localtime() str_t = str(t[0]) + '_' + str(t[1]) + '_' + str(t[2]) ##################################### # Parse settings doc = xml.parse(settingsFile) #0 -> for node in doc.getElementsByTagName('BACKUP'): # transform unicode to ascii fileName = str(node.getAttribute('file_prefix') + str_t + node.getAttribute('file_suffix')) #0 -> for fileNode in node.getElementsByTagName('COMPRESS'): pathToCompress.append(str(fileNode.getAttribute('path'))) ##################################### # Compress compress(pathToCompress, fileName, compressionMethod) if not(node.getAttribute('send') in ('no','No','NO')): fileToSend.append(fileName); del pathToCompress[:] ##################################### #0 ou 1 for node in doc.getElementsByTagName('MAIL'): message = {} files = [] message['from'] = str(node.getAttribute('from')) message['to'] = str(node.getAttribute('to')) message['subject'] = str(node.getAttribute('subject_prefix')) + str_t for serverNode in node.getElementsByTagName('SERVER'): message['server'] = str(serverNode.getAttribute('addr')) message['port'] = str(serverNode.getAttribute('port')) message['tls'] = str(serverNode.getAttribute('use_tls')) message['user'] = str(serverNode.getAttribute('login')) message['passwd'] = str(serverNode.getAttribute('password')) ## Juntar server + port #0 -> for fileNode in node.getElementsByTagName('FILE'): files.append(str(fileNode.getAttribute('path'))) mail(message, fileToSend) print 'Done.' if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])