
Member since 08/09/2006

Name: Pat Kujawa

Location: Bozeman, Montana, USA

Website: www.advanced.pro

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`w_Dgv` is the name of the DataGridView control.
0 1313 posted 14 years ago by pckujawa
Read the [best article on the subject - Exploring Secrets of Persistent Application Settings](http://www.devx.com/dotnet/Article/33944/1954) - and then the following links if desired. (Note, I recommend reading [this forum post about settings not bei...
0 1784 posted 14 years ago by pckujawa
Great way to show the user that something is happening without too much tedious work. As simple to use as putting the following code in Form_Load: AutoWaitCursor.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; AutoWaitCursor.Delay = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 25);...
1 2095 posted 15 years ago by pckujawa
Since an asynchronous method is usually one you call and then it invokes a callback when it is finished, it is not obvious how to test such a method in a definite manner. In the method described at the above URL, the author uses .NET's System.Threadi...
1 1219 posted 15 years ago by pckujawa
Essentially, you need to tell Visual Studio to generate an XML file with documentation, then use a separate tool to create a help file (usually .chm) out of that XML file. The tool to use is MS's Sandcastle. You'll also want a GUI for Sandcastle, whi...
0 1125 posted 15 years ago by pckujawa
Specifically, this code enables you to pass a string from C# into C++ managed code and then get a C++ pointer to the string's chars. [Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi Method](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.runtime.interopservices.marsha...
0 2776 posted 15 years ago by pckujawa
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