
Member since 08/09/2006

Name: Pat Kujawa

Location: Bozeman, Montana, USA

Website: www.advanced.pro

37 snippets

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Use to get console input from the user for a file name (in the current directory) and read in from that file.
2 922 posted 18 years ago by pckujawa
I got most of these tips out of a great book published by O'Reilly (my favorite web-design publisher): "Programming PHP, 2nd Ed." by Lerdorf, Tatroe, and McIntyre. Another good book is "Essential PHP Security," also published by O...
2 1568 posted 18 years ago by pckujawa
Most of these come from the book "CSS Mastery: Advanced Web Standards Solutions," a must-read by Andy Budd (seriously, even if you've used CSS for years, you'll learn a good deal of new things from this book; beginners should read this imme...
2 688 posted 18 years ago by pckujawa
Using CSS is, of course, the preferred method of performing mouseover image swapping, but it's good to have a few tricks up your sleeve. Here's one way of doing it with JS, but the images have to be pre-loaded, or else there'll be a slight lag in the...
1 761 posted 18 years ago by pckujawa
(Applies to the HTML_Template_IT PEAR package) Useful script to find all global variables and put them in a format for an array. $t is the HTML_Template_IT(X) object.
0 1311 posted 18 years ago by pckujawa
The form method must be post and the enctype set as it is below. The hidden input for MAX_FILE_SIZE must also be included. The value is the max file size (in bytes?).
4 1015 posted 18 years ago by pckujawa
Use to redirect an html page after headers have already been sent. The 5 is the number of seconds before redirect to the URL.
1 938 posted 18 years ago by pckujawa
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