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Revision: 9573
at November 12, 2008 14:44 by peteinlux

Initial Code
 * grid from remote file with a listener for dbl click

HO.Class.CRUD.prototype.defineGrid = function () {	
	console.log('HO.Class.CRUD.initGrid ');
	this.Grid = new Ext.ux.Plugin.RemoteComponent({
				url : '/files/ux/RemoteComponent/implementation4/grid_generated.php'
				//,loadOn : 'show'  /* defer processing to container's show-event */
	// add events
	this.Grid.on('success', function(cmp){
		cmp.on('rowdblclick', this.onRowDblClick);
	    return false;
	}, this);

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
EXTJS - Grid from a remote file with a listener for dbl click

Initial Tags

Initial Language