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Revision: 69053
at April 11, 2015 09:17 by arielinfante

Initial Code
bad_list = ["suck", "bad", "horrible", "crap"]
sentence = "This bad could really suck as a horrible horrible. sentence"
def censor(sentence, bad_list):
    list_sentence = sentence.split(" ")
    symbols = "!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:<>?,./;'[]\=-\""
    replaced_sentence = []
    no_sym = ""
    for word in list_sentence:
        checked = 0
        for bad_word in bad_list:
            replaced_word = ""
            one_time = True
            if word == bad_word:
                replaced_word = "*" * len(word)
                checked += 1
                if checked < 1:
                    replaced_word = word
    replaced_sentence = " ".join(replaced_sentence)
    return replaced_sentence
print censor(sentence, bad_list)

Initial URL

Initial Description
A simple Python censor script that takes 2 arguments. One is for the text you want to censor and the other is the list of words that should not be viewed.

Initial Title
Python Censorship

Initial Tags

Initial Language