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Revision: 9244
at October 27, 2008 01:05 by jonniespratley

Initial Code
/** ****************************************************************
 * Working File Download XML Server Script for Flex
 * MySnippets
 * Free for use
 * @author  Jonnie Spratley
 * @contact [email protected]
 ******************************************************************* */
/* Set the content type for the browser */
header("Content-type: text/xml");

/* Establish a connection to database */
$link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'spratley_guest', 'guest') or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

/* Select the database */
mysql_select_db( 'spratley_tutorials', $link ) or die ( mysql_error() );

/* Build the query for the table */
$query = "SELECT * FROM flex_uploads ORDER BY file_date DESC";

/* Execute the query on the table */
$resultID = mysql_query( $query, $link ) or die( "Data not found." );

/* Set the header xml version */
$xml_output = "<?xml version="1.0"?>n";

/* Set the root node for the xml */
$xml_output .= "<files>n";

/* Loop through all records in the query and output */
for( $x = 0 ; $x < mysql_num_rows( $resultID ) ; $x++ )
	/* Result rows */
    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $resultID );
	/* Set the child node */
    $xml_output .= "t<file>n";
	/* Set every node inside the child file node (id) */
    $xml_output .= "tt<id>" . $row['file_id'] . "</id>n";
    /* file_name table column */
    $xml_output .= "tt<name>" . $row['file_name'] . "</name>n";
    /* file_size table column */
	$xml_output .= "tt<size>" . $row['file_size'] . "</size>n";
	/* file_type table column */
	$xml_output .= "tt<type>" . $row['file_type'] . "</type>n";
	/* file_url table column */
	$xml_output .= "tt<url>" . $row['file_url'] . "</url>n";
	/* file_date table column */
	$xml_output .= "tt<date>" . $row['file_date'] . "</date>n";
    /* Close the child file now and print the child file node out */
    $xml_output .= "t</file>n";
}/* Ends the loop */

/* Close the parent files node */
$xml_output .= "</files>";

/* Output all of the xml */
echo $xml_output; 


Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
PHP Flex File Download

Initial Tags
php, textmate, Flex

Initial Language