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Revision: 68776
at February 23, 2015 02:55 by jatubio

Initial Code
#Sample of declare a simple powershell class with a constructor and a simple method
#Show also how to echo strings on console
#Thanks to
function ExtendedWebClient ($url,$timeout)
	$webclient = "" | Select url,timeout
	$webclient.url = $url
	$webclient.timeout = $timeout

	$webclient = $webclient | Add-Member ScriptMethod HelloWorld {"Hello world form {0}" -f $this.url} -passThru 
	$webclient = $webclient | Add-Member ScriptMethod HelloSun {Write-Host ("Hello Sun " + $this.url)} -passThru

$extclient = ExtendedWebClient "" 100

Initial URL

Initial Description
Sample of declare a simple powershell class with a constructor and a simple method
Show also how to echo strings on console
Thanks to

Initial Title
Sample of declare a simple powershell class with a constructor and a simple method

Initial Tags

Initial Language
Windows PowerShell