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at December 1, 2014 03:35 by jsinix
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#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Mail::POP3Client; use IO::Socket::SSL; use CGI qw(:standard); use Net::SMTP::TLS; # There will be a bug using the Net::SMTP::TLS module # So the fix i found here: # # invalid SSL_version specified at /usr/share/perl5/IO/Socket/ line # replace this: m{^(!?)(?:(SSL(?:v2|v3|v23|v2/3))|(TLSv1[12]?))$}i # with this: m{^(!?)(?:(SSL(?:v2|v3|v23|v2/3))|(TLSv1[12]?))}i use Term::ReadKey; use Switch; use Mail::IMAPClient; use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants); use Crypt::DES; use Crypt::Lite; # Declaring all variables my $cgi; my $username; my $password; my $mailhost; my $port; my $pop; my $count; my $i; my $uname; my $pass; my $emailto; my $emailbody; my $mailer; my $emaillogin; my $uname1; my $pass1; my $choice = ''; my $emailbodyfin; my $emailbodyplain; my $enckey1; my $cipher; my $ciphertext1; my $encrypted; my $crypt; my $emailbodyplain1; my $enckey2; my $decryptedmsg = ''; my $dcrypt; my $decrypted; my $encryptedmsg = ''; my $enckey3; my $emailbodyplain2; # This is the main control section where # the respective modules are called from. # Ideally its good not to declare any # module in this. while ($choice ne '5') { START: system("clear"); print BOLD, BLUE, "\n\n\n\n\tJSINIX Gmailer\n\n", RESET; print "\n\t1. Send email". "\n\t2. Check email". "\n\t3. Encrypt email". "\n\t4. Decrypt email". "\n\t5. Quit(q)"; print "\n\n\tChoice: "; $choice = <STDIN>; chomp($choice); switch ($choice) { case '1' { system("clear"); mail_send(); print "\n\tPress enter to continue"; <STDIN>; goto START; } case '2' { system("clear"); mail_check_pop(); print "\n\tPress enter to continue"; <STDIN>; goto START; } case '3' { system("clear"); mail_encrypt(); print "\n\tPress enter to continue"; <STDIN>; goto START; } case '4' { system("clear"); mail_decrypt(); #encdec('test','test'); print "\n\tPress enter to continue"; <STDIN>; goto START; } case '5' { system("clear"); exit(); } case 'q' { system("clear"); exit(); } } # The while loop ends here. } # This module can connect to the # servers of google/gmail using POP3 # There is one more module named # mail_check_imap that you can leverage # IMAP to check the emails. sub mail_check_pop { $cgi = new CGI; ($uname1, $pass1) = get_credentials(); $mailhost = ''; $port = '995'; $pop = Mail::POP3Client->new(USER=> $uname1, PASSWORD => $pass1, HOST => $mailhost, PORT => $port, USESSL => 'true', DEBUG => 0,) or die("\n\tERROR: Unable to connect to mail server.\n"); $count = $pop->Count(); if (($pop->Count()) < 1) { print "\n\tNo messages...\n"; print "\n\tPress enter to continue"; <STDIN>; goto START; } print "\n\tThere are $count Messages in your inbox\n"; print "How many messages you want to print: "; my $eno = <STDIN>; chomp($eno); for(my $i = 1; $i <= $eno; $i++) { print "\n\n\nMail number $1\n"; foreach($pop->Head($i)) { /^(From|Subject|Email):\s+/i && print $_, "\n"; } print 'Message: '.$pop->Body($i); } $pop->Close(); } # This module is used to send emails # from ur gmail account. We connect to # the SMTP server of gmail using the credintials # and send email to anyone. sub mail_send { print "\n\tLogin ID: "; my $uname2 = get_user(); print "\n\tPassword: "; my $pass2 = get_pass(); print "\n\tMail To: "; my $emailto = <STDIN>; chomp($emailto); print "\n\tBody: "; $emailbodyplain = get_body(); print "\n\tWant to encrypt body ?(y/n)"; my $echoice = <STDIN>; chomp($echoice); if ($echoice eq 'y') { print "\n\tEncryption key: "; $enckey1 = get_pass(); $emailbodyfin = encrypt_body($emailbodyplain, $enckey1); } elsif ($echoice eq 'n') { $emailbodyfin = $emailbodyplain; } else { print "\n\tWrong selection my friend"; } my $mailer = new Net::SMTP::TLS( '', Hello => '', Port => 587, User => $uname2, Password=> $pass2); $mailer->mail($emailto); $mailer->to($emailto); $mailer->data; $mailer->datasend($emailbodyfin); $mailer->dataend; $mailer->quit; print "\n\tEmail sent."; } # This module does the function of encryption. # Uses Symmetric encryption. sub mail_encrypt { print "\n\n\tEncrypt message\n\n"; print "\n\tPlain text/body: "; $emailbodyplain2 = get_body(); print "\n\tEncryption key: "; $enckey3 = get_pass(); my $encryptedmsg1 = encrypt_body($emailbodyplain2, $enckey3); print "\n\tEncrypted message: "; print $encryptedmsg1; } # This sections is used to decrypt the # encrypted message using the same symmetric # key that was used to encrypt. sub mail_decrypt { print "\n\n\tDecrypt message\n\n"; print "\n\tEncrypted text/body: "; $emailbodyplain1 = get_body(); print "\n\tDecryption key: "; $enckey2 = get_pass(); my $decryptedmsg1 = decrypt_body($emailbodyplain1, $enckey2); print "\n\tDecrypted message: "; print $decryptedmsg1; } # Gets the username and returns it. sub get_user { my $emaillogin = <STDIN>; chomp($emaillogin); return $emaillogin; } # Gets the password without echoing it on the STDOUT. sub get_pass { ReadMode('noecho'); chomp(my $password = <STDIN>); ReadMode(0); return $password; } # This is the module to check email using # IMAP. sub mail_check_imap { my ($uname3, $pass3) = get_credentials(); my $imap = Mail::IMAPClient->new ( Server => '', User => $uname3, Password => $pass3, Port => 993, Ssl => 1, Uid => 1 ) or die "\n\tCould not connect to server, terminating...\n"; } # Gets the body for the email. Can be used to # get and return any string/text. sub get_body { my $emailbody = <STDIN>; chomp($emailbody); return $emailbody; } $crypt = Crypt::Lite->new( debug => 0, encoding => 'hex8' ); # This section returns body after encryption. sub encrypt_body { my ($pbody1, $epass1) = $_; $crypt = Crypt::Lite->new( debug => 0, encoding => 'hex8' ); $encrypted = $crypt->encrypt($pbody1, $epass1); return $encrypted; } # This section decrypts the text. sub decrypt_body { my ($pbody2, $epass2) = $_; $crypt = Crypt::Lite->new( debug => 0, encoding => 'hex8' ); $decrypted = $crypt->decrypt($pbody2, $epass2); return $decrypted; }
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This scripts can be used to send email from your gmail account by authenticating. It can be modified to login to any SMTP server.
Initial Title
Send email from gmail account via command line
Initial Tags
email, command, line
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