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Revision: 8156
at September 4, 2008 11:58 by dreamlusion

Initial Code
function Replace-String($find, $replace, $path)
	echo "Replacing string `"$find`" with string `"$replace`" in file contents and file names of path: $path"
    ls $path | select-string $find -list |% { echo "Processing contents of $($_.Path)"; (get-content $_.Path) |% { $_ -replace $find, $replace } | set-content $_.Path -Force }
	ls $path\*$find* |% { echo "Renaming $($_.FullName) to $($_.FullName.Replace($find, $replace))";mv $_.FullName $_.FullName.Replace($find, $replace) }

# Example
Replace-String "Temp1" "Temp2" "D:\Temp"

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Replace String in file contents and file names using PowerShell

Initial Tags

Initial Language
Windows PowerShell