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Revision: 67271
at September 3, 2014 01:01 by 108Bits

Initial Code
// Update the Site & Home URL in the database (wp-options table)
// Remove after the database has been updated
update_option('siteurl', '' );
update_option('home', '' );

Initial URL


Initial Description
Add the code below to change the Home & Site URL that is configured in the database (wp-options table) by WordPress. Whenever you copy/move a site to a new hosting and the URL has changed you can use the code below to fix any strange redirects that might happen. 

- Insert code to wp-loging.php 
- Add your new url. 
- Surf to 
(site & home url is now updated) 
- Remove code from wp-login.php again

Initial Title
Admin Fix for WordPress

Initial Tags
url, database, wordpress, update

Initial Language