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Revision: 67235
at October 8, 2014 14:31 by obrienm

Updated Code
package editortrees;

 * Creates and edits Nodes for Editor Trees.
 * @author burchtm, havensd, obrienm Created April 2014.
public class Node {
	public static final Node NULL_NODE = new NullNode();

	enum Code {

	char element;
	Node left, right;
	Node parent; // subtrees
	int rank; // inorder position of this node within its own subtree.
	int height;
	int size;
	Code balance;

	 * Constructs a node with the given element and parent.
	 * @param e
	 * @param parent
	public Node(char e, Node parent) {
		this.element = e;
		this.left = NULL_NODE;
		this.right = NULL_NODE;
		this.balance = Code.SAME;
		this.parent = parent;
		this.height = 0;
		this.size = 1;
		this.rank = 0;

	 * Constructs a node with the given element.
	 * @param e
	public Node(char e) {
		this.element = e;
		this.left = NULL_NODE;
		this.right = NULL_NODE;
		this.balance = Code.SAME;
		this.parent = NULL_NODE;
		this.height = 0;
		this.size = 1;
		this.rank = 0;

	 * Constructs a NULL_NODE.
	public Node() {
		this.element = Character.MIN_VALUE;
		this.rank = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
		this.size = 0;
		this.balance = Code.SAME;
		this.height = -1;
		this.left = null;
		this.right = null;
		this.parent = NULL_NODE;

	public String toString() {
		if (this == NULL_NODE) {
			return "";
		return this.left.toString() + this.element + this.right.toString();

	 * Returns the height of the node's subtree
	 * @return height of the node's subtree
	public int height() {
		return this.height;

	 * Returns the size of the node
	 * @return size of the node
	public int size() {
		return this.size;

	 * Returns a Node at the given index position.
	 * @param pos
	 * @return Node at given position
	public Node get(int pos) {
		if (pos > this.rank) { // go right
			return this.right.get(pos - rank - 1);
		} else if (pos < this.rank) { // go left
			return this.left.get(pos);
		} else {
			return this;

	 * @param length
	 * @return the string starting at the given position with the given length
	public String getString(int length) {
		if (length == 0) {
			return "";
		Node current = this;
		String temp = current.element + ""; // get current character
		if (current.right != NULL_NODE) { // current has a right child
			current = current.right;
			// Iterate all the way left after going right to inorder sucessor
			while (current.left != NULL_NODE) {
				current = current.left;
			return temp + current.getString(length - 1);
		} else { // current does not have a right child
			// Get back up to the node that was branched off of
			while (current.parent.right == current) {
				current = current.parent;
			return temp + current.parent.getString(length - 1);

	 * Adds a new node with a given char element at the given index position to
	 * the Editor Tree.
	 * @param c
	 * @param pos
	 * @param e
	public void add(char c, int pos, EditTree e) {
		if (pos > this.rank) { // go right
			if (this.right == NULL_NODE) { // Make a right child
				this.right = new Node(c, this);
			} else { // Recurse on the right child
				this.right.add(c, pos - rank - 1, e);
			int rotate = needsRotation();
			switch (rotate) {
			case (-2):
				doubleLeftRotate(this, this.right, this.right.left, e);
			case (-1):
				singleLeftRotate(this, this.right, e);
			case (0):
			case (1):
				singleRightRotate(this, this.left, e);
			case (2):
				doubleRightRotate(this, this.left, this.left.right, e);
		} else { // go left
			if (this.left == NULL_NODE) { // Make a left child
				this.left = new Node(c, this);
			} else {
				this.left.add(c, pos, e); // Recurse on left child
			int rotate = needsRotation();
			switch (rotate) {
			case (-2):
				doubleLeftRotate(this, this.right, this.right.left, e);
			case (-1):
				singleLeftRotate(this, this.right, e);
			case (0):
			case (1):
				singleRightRotate(this, this.left, e);
			case (2):
				doubleRightRotate(this, this.left, this.left.right, e);

	 * Sets the fields after there is no rotate.
	private void setFields() {

	 * Sets the balance of a node.
	private void setBalance() {
		if (this.left.height > this.right.height) {
			this.balance = Code.LEFT;
		} else if (this.left.height < this.right.height) {
			this.balance = Code.RIGHT;
		} else {
			this.balance = Code.SAME;

	 * Sets the height of a node.
	private void setHeight() {
		if (this == NULL_NODE) {
			this.height = -1;
		this.height = Math.max(this.left.height, this.right.height) + 1;

	 * Sets the size of a node.
	private void setSize() {
		this.size = this.left.size + this.right.size + 1;

	 * Sets the rank of a node.
	private void setRank() {
		this.rank = this.left.size;

	 * Performs a double right rotate at the given node. (Performs single left
	 * on child and then single right on parent.)
	 * @param parent
	 * @param child
	 * @param grandchild
	 * @param e
	private void doubleRightRotate(Node parent, Node child, Node grandchild,
			EditTree e) {
		singleLeftRotate(child, grandchild, e);
		singleRightRotate(parent, child, e);

		// Set the fields on the nodes after rotation.

	 * Performs a single right rotate at the given node.
	 * @param parent
	 * @param child
	 * @param e
	private void singleRightRotate(Node parent, Node child, EditTree e) {
		// Swap elements in parent and child
		char parentElement = parent.element;
		parent.element = child.element;
		child.element = parentElement;
		// Swing child over to the right
		Node childSubtree = child.right;
		child.right = parent.right;
		child.right.parent = child;
		// Suck up child's left to its parent's left
		parent.left = child.left;
		child.left.parent = parent;
		parent.right = child;
		child.left = childSubtree;

		// Set fields on the appropriate nodes after rotation and increase total
		// rotation count

	 * Performs a single left rotate at the given node.
	 * @param parent
	 * @param child
	 * @param e
	private void singleLeftRotate(Node parent, Node child, EditTree e) {
		// Swaps elements in the parent and child
		char parentElement = parent.element;
		parent.element = child.element;
		child.element = parentElement;
		// Swing child over to the left
		Node childSubtree = child.left;
		child.left = parent.left;
		child.left.parent = child;
		// Suck up child's right to its parent's right
		parent.right = child.right;
		child.right.parent = parent;
		parent.left = child;
		child.right = childSubtree;

		// Set fields on the appropriate nodes after rotation and increase total
		// rotation count

	 * Performs a double left rotate at the given node. (Performs single right
	 * on child and then single left on parent.)
	 * @param parent
	 * @param child
	 * @param grandchild
	 * @param e
	private void doubleLeftRotate(Node parent, Node child, Node grandchild,
			EditTree e) {
		singleRightRotate(child, grandchild, e);
		singleLeftRotate(parent, child, e);

		// Set the fields on the nodes after rotation.

	 * Determines what kind of rotation is needed, if any.
	 * @return an integer indicating which rotation is needed.
	private int needsRotation() {
		if (this.left.height - this.right.height > 1) {
			// rotate right
			if (this.left.balance == Code.LEFT) {
				return 1; // single
			} else {
				return 2; // double
		} else if (this.right.height - this.left.height > 1) {
			// rotate left
			if (this.right.balance == Code.RIGHT) {
				return -1; // single
			} else {
				return -2; // double
		} else {
			return 0; // No rotation needed.

	 * Creates a copy of the given current node from an original Editor Tree.
	 * @param e
	 * @param eCurrent
	public void editTreeCopy(Node eCurrent) {
		// Sets the fields of the current node
		this.element = eCurrent.element;
		this.balance = eCurrent.balance;
		this.height = eCurrent.height;
		this.rank = eCurrent.rank;
		this.size = eCurrent.size;
		// Recurse on the left
		if (eCurrent.left != Node.NULL_NODE) {
			this.left = new Node();
		} else {
			this.left = Node.NULL_NODE;
		// Recurse on the right
		if (eCurrent.right != Node.NULL_NODE) {
			this.right = new Node();
		} else {
			this.right = Node.NULL_NODE;
		// Set the parent fields
		this.left.parent = this;
		this.right.parent = this;

	 * Deletes the given node from the tree.
	 * @param e
	 * @return the element of the deleted node
	public char delete(EditTree e) {
		char element = this.element;
		if (this.left == NULL_NODE && this.right == NULL_NODE) { // no children
			if (this.parent.left == this) {// node is on left
				this.parent.left = NULL_NODE;
				this.parent.left.parent = this.parent;
			} else if (this.parent.right == this) { // node is on right
				this.parent.right = NULL_NODE;
				this.parent.right.parent = this.parent;
		} else if (this.left == NULL_NODE ^ this.right == NULL_NODE) { // one
			if (this.left == NULL_NODE) { // only right child
				if (this.parent == NULL_NODE) {
					e.root = this.right;
				} else if (this.parent.left == this) { // Node is on the left
					this.parent.left = this.right;
				} else { // Node is on the right
					this.parent.right = this.right;
			} else { // only left child
				if (this.parent == NULL_NODE) {
					e.root = this.left;
				} else if (this.parent.left == this) { // Node is on the left
					this.parent.left = this.left;
				} else { // Node is on the right
					this.parent.right = this.left;
		} else { // two children
			// Finds inorder successor
			Node temp = this.right;
			while (temp.left != NULL_NODE) {
				temp = temp.left;
			this.element = temp.element;
			if (this.right.left == NULL_NODE) {
				this.right = this.right.right;
				this.right.parent = this;
			} else {
				temp.parent.left = temp.right;
				temp.right.parent = temp.parent;

		// Set all the required fields and returns element
		return element;

	 * Backtracks up the tree, rotating if necessary.
	 * @param e
	private void backTrack(EditTree e) {
		if (this == NULL_NODE) {
		int rotate = needsRotation();
		switch (rotate) {
		case (-2):
			doubleLeftRotate(this, this.right, this.right.left, e);
		case (-1):
			singleLeftRotate(this, this.right, e);
		case (0):
		case (1):
			singleRightRotate(this, this.left, e);
		case (2):
			doubleRightRotate(this, this.left, this.left.right, e);

	 * Builds a tree from the given string.
	 * @param s
	public void buildStringTree(String s) {
		// Recurse on the left
		if (!(s.length() == 1)) {
			this.left = new Node('x');
			this.left.parent = this;
			this.left.buildStringTree(s.substring(0, s.length() / 2));

		// Set the current node's element
		this.element = s.charAt(s.length() / 2);

		// Recurse on the right
		if (!(s.length() == 1 || s.charAt(s.length() - 1) == s.charAt(s
				.length() / 2))) {
			this.right = new Node('x');
			this.right.parent = this;
			this.right.buildStringTree(s.substring(s.length() / 2 + 1,

		// Set fields

	 * Concatenates a Tree with the given root "otherRoot" at the given
	 * otherNode to the original tree.
	 * @param otherRoot
	 * @param otherNode
	public void concatenate(Node otherRoot, Node otherNode) {
		if (this.height > otherRoot.height()) {
			// Adjusts the height field for nodes and the recursion goes down
			// the original tree.
			if (this.balance == Code.LEFT) {
				this.height -= 2;
			} else {
			// Recurses down the original tree.
			this.right.concatenate(otherRoot, otherNode);
		} else {
			// Case for if we are at the root of the original tree
			if (this.parent == NULL_NODE) {
				otherNode.parent.left = NULL_NODE;
			} else {
				// Sets the right node of the parent to the node where
				// concatenation happens. Removes otherNode from subtree and set
				// otherNode's parent.
				this.parent.right = otherNode;
				otherNode.parent.left = NULL_NODE;
				otherNode.parent = this.parent;
			// Checks if the otherNode was the root and sets that node's right
			// and parent if not.
			if (otherRoot != otherNode) {
				otherNode.right = otherRoot;
				otherRoot.parent = otherNode;
			otherNode.left = this;
			this.parent = otherNode;
			// Sets the new fields of the otherNode, otherRoot, and the balance
			// code of the otherNode's new parent.


Revision: 67234
at August 29, 2014 05:36 by obrienm

Initial Code
package editortrees;

// A node in a height-balanced binary tree with rank.
// Except for the NULL_NODE (if you choose to use one), one node cannot
// belong to two different trees.

 * Creates and edits Nodes for Editor Trees.
 * @author burchtm, havensd, obrienm Created April 2014.
public class Node {
	public static final Node NULL_NODE = new NullNode();

	enum Code {

	// The fields would normally be private, but for the purposes of this class,
	// we want to be able to test the results of the algorithms in addition to
	// the
	// "publicly visible" effects

	char element;
	Node left, right;
	Node parent; // subtrees
	int rank; // inorder position of this node within its own subtree.
	int height;
	int size;
	Code balance;

	 * Constructs a node with the given element and parent.
	 * @param e
	 * @param parent
	public Node(char e, Node parent) {
		this.element = e;
		this.left = NULL_NODE;
		this.right = NULL_NODE;
		this.balance = Code.SAME;
		this.parent = parent;
		this.height = 0;
		this.size = 1;
		this.rank = 0;

	 * Constructs a node with the given element.
	 * @param e
	public Node(char e) {
		this.element = e;
		this.left = NULL_NODE;
		this.right = NULL_NODE;
		this.balance = Code.SAME;
		this.parent = NULL_NODE;
		this.height = 0;
		this.size = 1;
		this.rank = 0;

	 * Constructs a NULL_NODE.
	public Node() {
		this.element = Character.MIN_VALUE;
		this.rank = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
		this.size = 0;
		this.balance = Code.SAME;
		this.height = -1;
		this.left = null;
		this.right = null;
		this.parent = NULL_NODE;

	// Node parent; // You may want this field.
	// Feel free to add other fields that you find useful

	// You will probably want to add several other methods

	// For the following methods, you should fill in the details so that they
	// work correctly
	public String toString() {
		if (this == NULL_NODE) {
			return "";
		return this.left.toString() + this.element + this.right.toString();

	 * Returns the height of the node's subtree
	 * @return height of the node's subtree
	public int height() {
		return this.height;

	 * Returns the size of the node
	 * @return size of the node
	public int size() {
		return this.size;

	 * Returns a Node at the given index position.
	 * @param pos
	 * @return Node at given position
	public Node get(int pos) {
		if (pos > this.rank) { // go right
			return this.right.get(pos - rank - 1);
		} else if (pos < this.rank) { // go left
			return this.left.get(pos);
		} else {
			return this;

	 * @param length
	 * @return the string starting at the given position with the given length
	public String getString(int length) {
		if (length == 0) {
			return "";
		Node current = this;
		String temp = current.element + ""; // get current character
		if (current.right != NULL_NODE) { // current has a right child
			current = current.right;
			// Iterate all the way left after going right to inorder sucessor
			while (current.left != NULL_NODE) {
				current = current.left;
			return temp + current.getString(length - 1);
		} else { // current does not have a right child
			// Get back up to the node that was branched off of
			while (current.parent.right == current) {
				current = current.parent;
			return temp + current.parent.getString(length - 1);

	 * Adds a new node with a given char element at the given index position to
	 * the Editor Tree.
	 * @param c
	 * @param pos
	 * @param e
	public void add(char c, int pos, EditTree e) {
		if (pos > this.rank) { // go right
			if (this.right == NULL_NODE) { // Make a right child
				this.right = new Node(c, this);
			} else { // Recurse on the right child
				this.right.add(c, pos - rank - 1, e);
			int rotate = needsRotation();
			switch (rotate) {
			case (-2):
				doubleLeftRotate(this, this.right, this.right.left, e);
			case (-1):
				singleLeftRotate(this, this.right, e);
			case (0):
			case (1):
				singleRightRotate(this, this.left, e);
			case (2):
				doubleRightRotate(this, this.left, this.left.right, e);
		} else { // go left
			if (this.left == NULL_NODE) { // Make a left child
				this.left = new Node(c, this);
			} else {
				this.left.add(c, pos, e); // Recurse on left child
			int rotate = needsRotation();
			switch (rotate) {
			case (-2):
				doubleLeftRotate(this, this.right, this.right.left, e);
			case (-1):
				singleLeftRotate(this, this.right, e);
			case (0):
			case (1):
				singleRightRotate(this, this.left, e);
			case (2):
				doubleRightRotate(this, this.left, this.left.right, e);

	 * Sets the fields after there is no rotate.
	private void setFields() {

	 * Sets the balance of a node.
	private void setBalance() {
		if (this.left.height > this.right.height) {
			this.balance = Code.LEFT;
		} else if (this.left.height < this.right.height) {
			this.balance = Code.RIGHT;
		} else {
			this.balance = Code.SAME;

	 * Sets the height of a node.
	private void setHeight() {
		if (this == NULL_NODE) {
			this.height = -1;
		this.height = Math.max(this.left.height, this.right.height) + 1;

	 * Sets the size of a node.
	private void setSize() {
		this.size = this.left.size + this.right.size + 1;

	 * Sets the rank of a node.
	private void setRank() {
		this.rank = this.left.size;

	 * Performs a double right rotate at the given node. (Performs single left
	 * on child and then single right on parent.)
	 * @param parent
	 * @param child
	 * @param grandchild
	 * @param e
	private void doubleRightRotate(Node parent, Node child, Node grandchild,
			EditTree e) {
		singleLeftRotate(child, grandchild, e);
		singleRightRotate(parent, child, e);

		// Set the fields on the nodes after rotation.

	 * Performs a single right rotate at the given node.
	 * @param parent
	 * @param child
	 * @param e
	private void singleRightRotate(Node parent, Node child, EditTree e) {
		// Swap elements in parent and child
		char parentElement = parent.element;
		parent.element = child.element;
		child.element = parentElement;
		// Swing child over to the right
		Node childSubtree = child.right;
		child.right = parent.right;
		child.right.parent = child;
		// Suck up child's left to its parent's left
		parent.left = child.left;
		child.left.parent = parent;
		parent.right = child;
		child.left = childSubtree;

		// Set fields on the appropriate nodes after rotation and increase total
		// rotation count

	 * Performs a single left rotate at the given node.
	 * @param parent
	 * @param child
	 * @param e
	private void singleLeftRotate(Node parent, Node child, EditTree e) {
		// Swaps elements in the parent and child
		char parentElement = parent.element;
		parent.element = child.element;
		child.element = parentElement;
		// Swing child over to the left
		Node childSubtree = child.left;
		child.left = parent.left;
		child.left.parent = child;
		// Suck up child's right to its parent's right
		parent.right = child.right;
		child.right.parent = parent;
		parent.left = child;
		child.right = childSubtree;

		// Set fields on the appropriate nodes after rotation and increase total
		// rotation count

	 * Performs a double left rotate at the given node. (Performs single right
	 * on child and then single left on parent.)
	 * @param parent
	 * @param child
	 * @param grandchild
	 * @param e
	private void doubleLeftRotate(Node parent, Node child, Node grandchild,
			EditTree e) {
		singleRightRotate(child, grandchild, e);
		singleLeftRotate(parent, child, e);

		// Set the fields on the nodes after rotation.

	 * Determines what kind of rotation is needed, if any.
	 * @return an integer indicating which rotation is needed.
	private int needsRotation() {
		if (this.left.height - this.right.height > 1) {
			// rotate right
			if (this.left.balance == Code.LEFT) {
				return 1; // single
			} else {
				return 2; // double
		} else if (this.right.height - this.left.height > 1) {
			// rotate left
			if (this.right.balance == Code.RIGHT) {
				return -1; // single
			} else {
				return -2; // double
		} else {
			return 0; // No rotation needed.

	 * Creates a copy of the given current node from an original Editor Tree.
	 * @param e
	 * @param eCurrent
	public void editTreeCopy(Node eCurrent) {
		// Sets the fields of the current node
		this.element = eCurrent.element;
		this.balance = eCurrent.balance;
		this.height = eCurrent.height;
		this.rank = eCurrent.rank;
		this.size = eCurrent.size;
		// Recurse on the left
		if (eCurrent.left != Node.NULL_NODE) {
			this.left = new Node();
		} else {
			this.left = Node.NULL_NODE;
		// Recurse on the right
		if (eCurrent.right != Node.NULL_NODE) {
			this.right = new Node();
		} else {
			this.right = Node.NULL_NODE;
		// Set the parent fields
		this.left.parent = this;
		this.right.parent = this;

	 * Deletes the given node from the tree.
	 * @param e
	 * @return the element of the deleted node
	public char delete(EditTree e) {
		char element = this.element;
		if (this.left == NULL_NODE && this.right == NULL_NODE) { // no children
																	// (LEAF)
			if (this.parent.left == this) {// node is on left
				this.parent.left = NULL_NODE;
				this.parent.left.parent = this.parent;
			} else if (this.parent.right == this) { // node is on right
				this.parent.right = NULL_NODE;
				this.parent.right.parent = this.parent;
		} else if (this.left == NULL_NODE ^ this.right == NULL_NODE) { // one
																		// child
			if (this.left == NULL_NODE) { // only right child
				if (this.parent == NULL_NODE) {
					e.root = this.right;
				} else if (this.parent.left == this) { // Node is on the left
					this.parent.left = this.right;
				} else { // Node is on the right
					this.parent.right = this.right;
			} else { // only left child
				if (this.parent == NULL_NODE) {
					e.root = this.left;
				} else if (this.parent.left == this) { // Node is on the left
					this.parent.left = this.left;
				} else { // Node is on the right
					this.parent.right = this.left;
		} else { // two children
			// Finds inorder successor
			Node temp = this.right;
			while (temp.left != NULL_NODE) {
				temp = temp.left;
			this.element = temp.element;
			if (this.right.left == NULL_NODE) {
				this.right = this.right.right;
				this.right.parent = this;
			} else {
				temp.parent.left = temp.right;
				temp.right.parent = temp.parent;

		// Set all the required fields and returns element
		return element;

	 * Backtracks up the tree, rotating if necessary.
	 * @param e
	private void backTrack(EditTree e) {
		if (this == NULL_NODE) {
		int rotate = needsRotation();
		switch (rotate) {
		case (-2):
			doubleLeftRotate(this, this.right, this.right.left, e);
		case (-1):
			singleLeftRotate(this, this.right, e);
		case (0):
		case (1):
			singleRightRotate(this, this.left, e);
		case (2):
			doubleRightRotate(this, this.left, this.left.right, e);

	 * Builds a tree from the given string.
	 * @param s
	public void buildStringTree(String s) {
		// Recurse on the left
		if (!(s.length() == 1)) {
			this.left = new Node('x');
			this.left.parent = this;
			this.left.buildStringTree(s.substring(0, s.length() / 2));

		// Set the current node's element
		this.element = s.charAt(s.length() / 2);

		// Recurse on the right
		if (!(s.length() == 1 || s.charAt(s.length() - 1) == s.charAt(s
				.length() / 2))) {
			this.right = new Node('x');
			this.right.parent = this;
			this.right.buildStringTree(s.substring(s.length() / 2 + 1,

		// Set fields

	 * Concatenates a Tree with the given root "otherRoot" at the given
	 * otherNode to the original tree.
	 * @param otherRoot
	 * @param otherNode
	public void concatenate(Node otherRoot, Node otherNode) {
		if (this.height > otherRoot.height()) {
			// Adjusts the height field for nodes and the recursion goes down
			// the original tree.
			if (this.balance == Code.LEFT) {
				this.height -= 2;
			} else {
			// Recurses down the original tree.
			this.right.concatenate(otherRoot, otherNode);
		} else {
			// Case for if we are at the root of the original tree
			if (this.parent == NULL_NODE) {
				otherNode.parent.left = NULL_NODE;
			} else {
				// Sets the right node of the parent to the node where
				// concatenation happens. Removes otherNode from subtree and set
				// otherNode's parent.
				this.parent.right = otherNode;
				otherNode.parent.left = NULL_NODE;
				otherNode.parent = this.parent;
			// Checks if the otherNode was the root and sets that node's right
			// and parent if not.
			if (otherRoot != otherNode) {
				otherNode.right = otherRoot;
				otherRoot.parent = otherNode;
			otherNode.left = this;
			this.parent = otherNode;
			// Sets the new fields of the otherNode, otherRoot, and the balance
			// code of the otherNode's new parent.


Initial URL

Initial Description
Data Structures & Algorithm Analysis Project

Initial Title
Editor Trees - Node Class

Initial Tags

Initial Language