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Revision: 7623
at August 1, 2008 11:30 by t3flexdev

Initial Code
package ###PACKAGE### {

	import com.adobe.cairngorm.model.ModelLocator;
	import mx.logging.ILogger;

	public class ###CLASSFILENAME### implements ModelLocator {
		private static var model : AppModelLocator;

		public function AppLocator() : void {
			if ( AppModelLocator.model != null )
				throw new Error( "Only one ModelLocator instance should be instantiated" );

		// singleton: always returns the one existing static instance to itself
		public static function getInstance() : AppModelLocator {
			if ( model == null )
			model = new AppModelLocator();
			return model;

Initial URL

Initial Description
###PACKAGE### replace -> com.yourdomain.model
###CLASSFILENAME###  replace -> AppModelLocator

Initial Title
AppModelLocator MODEL

Initial Tags

Initial Language
ActionScript 3