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Revision: 66276
at April 10, 2014 17:48 by johansonkatherine

Initial Code
app_sid = '77******-1***-4***-a***-8***********'
app_key = '89******************************', app_key)

#build URI to create PDF from HTML
str_uri = ''

#sign URI
signed_uri = Aspose::Cloud::Common::Utils.sign(str_uri)
RestClient.put(signed_uri, '', {:accept=>'application/json'})

#build URI to download output file
str_uri = ''

#sign URI
signed_uri = Aspose::Cloud::Common::Utils.sign(str_uri)
response_stream = RestClient.get(signed_uri, :accept => 'application/json')
Aspose::Cloud::Common::Utils.save_file(response_stream, "outPdfFile.pdf")
p 'done'

Initial URL

Initial Description
This code sample shows how Ruby developers can create PDF file from HTML using Aspose.Pdf for Cloud API in their REST applications.

Initial Title
Ruby Code Sample to Create PDF from HTML Using REST API

Initial Tags
file, html

Initial Language