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Revision: 66273
at April 10, 2014 14:26 by SIDDIK142563

Initial Code
                    "# if (Photo != null) { #" +
                            "<img class="+"photo" + " src=" + "@Url.Content(@"~/Documents/Userphoto/#=UserId #/#=Photo#")" + " width="+"70px"+" alt="+"image"+" />" +
                      "# } else { #" +
                            "<img class="+"photo" + " src=" + "@Url.Content(@"~/Documents/DefaultImage/profile-default.jpg")" + " width="+"70px"+" alt="+"image"+" />" +
                      "# } #"

Initial URL

Initial Description
Example of implementing Conditional (if else) statement in Kendo UI grid template.

Initial Title
Conditional Statement in Kendo UI template

Initial Tags

Initial Language