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Revision: 65877
at February 4, 2014 00:36 by satinfo30

Initial Code

(function( $ )
  // This function formats a text field to a US 
  // phone number as the user types the information.
  $.fn.usphone = function() 
     var curchrindex = this.value.length;
     var curval = $(this).val();
     var strvalidchars = "0123456789()-";
     for (i =0; i < this.value.length; i++)
      var curchar = curval[i];
      if (strvalidchars.indexOf(curchar) == -1) 
       //delete the character typed if this is not a valid character.
       $(this).val(curval.substring(0, i) + curval.substring(i+1, this.value.length));
     // Insert formatting at the right places
     if (curchrindex == 3) 
      $(this).val("(" + curval + ")" + "-");
     else if (curchrindex == 9)
      $(this).val(curval + "-");
     //Do not allow more than 15 characters including the brackets and the "-"
     if (curchrindex == 15) 
      //delete the last character typed 
         $(this).val(curval.substring(0, this.value.length-1 ));
})( jQuery );

--- Script Code Below ----------


Initial URL

Initial Description
Validating phone number using jquery

Initial Title
US Phone number validation - Jquery

Initial Tags
phone, number, jquery, validation

Initial Language