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Revision: 65550
at December 18, 2013 12:18 by dmertl

Initial Code

class Logger {

	protected $fh;

	public function __construct() {
		$this->fh = fopen('log.txt', 'a+');

	public function log($msg) {
		if(!$this->fh) {
			throw new Exception('Unable to open log file for writing');
		if(fwrite($this->fh, $msg . "\n") === false) {
			throw new Exception('Unable to write to log file.');

	public function __destruct() {

$logger = new Logger();
$logger->log(date('m-d-Y H:i:s') . ' ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
$logger->log('$_POST: ' . print_r($_POST, true));
$logger->log('$_GET: ' . print_r($_GET, true));
$logger->log('$_FILES: ' . print_r($_FILES, true));

Initial URL

Initial Description
Write request data to a log file

Initial Title
PHP - Log request data

Initial Tags
http, php

Initial Language