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Revision: 65375
at November 25, 2013 16:59 by temanuel

Initial Code

<SignupLink class="SignupStyle" type="edit">

<img src="" width="360" height="90" alt="Update your email preferences here." border="0" style="display:block;" />'



<SignupLink class="SignupStyle" type="edit" style="color: #ffffff;">

Update your email preferences here.



Linking text - note "label" attribute is text that is rendered

<SimpleURLProperty name="Popmoney_Learn_More_Link" track="true" label="Learn More" href="">

<a href="" style="color: #7fba35;">Learn More</a>



Linking Images

<SimpleURLProperty name="Learn_More_Button" track="true" img="" href="">

<a href="" target="_blank">

<img src="" width="200" height="40" alt="" border="0" style="display:block" />



Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Constant Contact Tags

Initial Tags

Initial Language