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Revision: 64377
at August 3, 2013 00:46 by cappellin

Updated Code
on run
 -- Read the current value of AppleShowAllFiles
 set plistValue to do shell script "defaults read AppleShowAllFiles"
 set plistCommand to "defaults write AppleShowAllFiles"

 if plistValue is "false" then
    set shellCommand to plistCommand & " true"
    set shellCommand to plistCommand & " false"
 end if
 do shell script shellCommand

 -- Restart the Finder to see the new value
 do shell script "killall Finder"
end run

Revision: 64376
at July 31, 2013 06:25 by cappellin

Initial Code
on run
 -- Read the current value of AppleShowAllFiles
 set plistValue to do shell script "defaults read AppleShowAllFiles"
 set plistCommand to "defaults write AppleShowAllFiles"

 if plistValue is "false" then
    set shellCommand to plistCommand & " true"
    set shellCommand to plistCommand & " false"
 end if
 set results to do shell script shellCommand

 -- Restart the Finder to see the new value
 do shell script "killall Finder"
end run

Initial URL

Initial Description
This script show/hide the hidden files and folders in your Mac OS X. It works in OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, but I think it should work in 10.6 and 10.7, too.

Initial Title
Show/Hide Hidden Files in Mac OS X

Initial Tags

Initial Language