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Revision: 63836
at June 11, 2013 23:09 by eliphas

Initial Code
# hide php errors
php_flag display_startup_errors ON
php_flag display_errors ON
php_flag html_errors ON
php_flag log_errors on
php_flag ignore_repeated_errors off
php_flag ignore_repeated_source off
php_flag report_memleaks on
php_flag track_errors on
php_value docref_root 0
php_value docref_ext 0
php_value error_log /home/path/public_html/domain/PHP_errors.log
php_value error_reporting 999999999
php_value error_reporting -1
php_value log_errors_max_len 0
Order allow,deny
Deny from all
Satisfy All

Initial URL

Initial Description
Using .htaccess to manager error handling

Initial Title
error log .htaccess

Initial Tags

Initial Language