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Revision: 63794
at June 7, 2013 05:52 by dreamstarter

Initial Code
# create and use the new RVM gemset
$ rvm use --create 1.9.3@awesome_rails_project

# install rails into the blank gemset
$ gem install rails

# generate the new rails project
$ rails new awesome_rails_project

# go into the new project directory and create an .rvmrc for the gemset
$ cd awesome_rails_project
$ rvm --rvmrc 1.9.3@awesome_rails_project

# verify the rvmrc
$ cd ..; cd -

Initial URL

Initial Description
You want to start a new Rails app. But you also want to start a new RVM gemset for the app so you can start with the latest Rails and gems. In this code snippet I show how I start off an up-to-date Rails project in a clean gemset.

Initial Title
RVM Workflow for a New Rails App

Initial Tags

Initial Language