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Revision: 63453
at May 9, 2013 16:59 by chrisaiv

Initial Code
#Switch or setup an account for RHC
rhc setup

#Back up your application + database
rhc snapshot save magento

#Create a php-5.3 + mysql 5.1 application based on a Github codebase (you can call your app whatever you want)
rhc app create $appname php-5.3 mysql-5.1 --from-code=

#Create a php-5.3 application (you can call your application whatever you want)
rhc app create -a $appname -t php-5.3
#Add MySQL support to your application
rhc app cartridge add -a $appname -c mysql-5.1

Initial URL

Initial Description
I use these commands all the time while dealing with @openshift. I figured it would make sense to spell them out.

Initial Title
Common @openshift RHC commands

Initial Tags

Initial Language