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Revision: 63211
at April 16, 2013 23:42 by chillyjames

Updated Code
span {
    display:block; /* because we're using a span class */
    white-space: nowrap; /* This prevents the content from breaking onto another line */
    width: 100%; /* this should be the width of your content */
    overflow: hidden; /* hides the text that is outside of your width */
    text-overflow: ellipsis; /* creates our ellipsis! */

Revision: 63210
at April 16, 2013 23:39 by chillyjames

Initial Code
span {
    display:block; // because we're using a span class
    white-space: nowrap; //This prevents the content from breaking onto another line
    width: 100%; // this should be the width of your content
    overflow: hidden; // hides the text that is outside of your width
    text-overflow: ellipsis; //creates our ellipsis!

Initial URL

Initial Description
The CSS text overflow ellipsis solution is perfect for single line truncations. I use this constantly when building mobile or responsive applications.

Initial Title
Text Overflow Ellipsis Using Css

Initial Tags

Initial Language