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Revision: 63023
at April 1, 2013 02:33 by laurenceosx

Updated Code
	File  : helperSvn.gradle
	Author: Laurence Toenjes
	Date  : 3/31/2013
	Example of how to use:
		1. Put this file in the same directory as your build.gradle file.
		2. Near the very top of your build.gradle source file add this line: 
			apply from: 'helperSvn.gradle'
		3. You can now do svn commands like:
			doSvnMain( 'export', '', 'build/svnExport' );
			doSvnMain( 'help' );
			... etc. ...
			Note: each command line arg you would normally supply to a svn command should be an arg passed to doSvnMain
				  (since we are not using the OS shell you should probably not have to double quote any of the args).

import org.tmatesoft.svn.cli.SVN;

buildscript {
	repositories { mavenCentral() }
	dependencies { classpath( 'org.tmatesoft.svnkit:svnkit:1.7.8', 'org.tmatesoft.svnkit:svnkit-cli:1.7.8' ) }

project.ext.SVN = SVN; /* for certain scenarios might be useful to share this project var */

def _disableSystemExitCall = {
		new SecurityManager() {
			@Override public void checkPermission( perm) {}
			@Override public void checkExit(int status) { throw new SecurityException(); }

def _enableSystemExitCall = { System.setSecurityManager(null); };

/* for certain scenarios might be useful to share these closures with build */
project.ext.disableSystemExitCall = _disableSystemExitCall;
project.ext.enableSystemExitCall  = _enableSystemExitCall;

/* key method/closure - used as: doSvnMain( 'your', 'svn', 'args', 'go', 'here' ); */
project.ext.doSvnMain = { String... aSvnArgs ->
	_disableSystemExitCall(); /* stop SVN.main from doing a System.exit call */
	try {
		SVN.main( aSvnArgs as String[] );
	} finally {
} ;

Revision: 63022
at April 1, 2013 02:32 by laurenceosx

Initial Code
	File  : helperSvn.gradle
	Author: Laurence Toenjes
	Date  : 3/31/2013
	Example of how to use:
		1. Put this file in the same directory as your build.gradle file.
		2. Near the very top of your build.gradle source file add this line: 
			apply from: 'helperSvn.gradle'
		3. You can now do svn commands like:
			doSvnMain( 'export', '', 'build/svnExport' );
			doSvnMain( 'help' )
			... etc. ...
			Note: each command line arg you would normally supply to a svn command should be an arg passed to doSvnMain
				  (since we are not using the OS shell you should probably not have to double quote any of the args).

import org.tmatesoft.svn.cli.SVN;

buildscript {
	repositories { mavenCentral() }
	dependencies { classpath( 'org.tmatesoft.svnkit:svnkit:1.7.8', 'org.tmatesoft.svnkit:svnkit-cli:1.7.8' ) }

project.ext.SVN = SVN; /* for certain scenarios might be useful to share this project var */

def _disableSystemExitCall = {
		new SecurityManager() {
			@Override public void checkPermission( perm) {}
			@Override public void checkExit(int status) { throw new SecurityException(); }

def _enableSystemExitCall = { System.setSecurityManager(null); };

/* for certain scenarios might be useful to share these closures with build */
project.ext.disableSystemExitCall = _disableSystemExitCall;
project.ext.enableSystemExitCall  = _enableSystemExitCall;

/* key method/closure - used as: doSvnMain( 'your', 'svn', 'args', 'go', 'here' ); */
project.ext.doSvnMain = { String... aSvnArgs ->
	_disableSystemExitCall(); /* stop SVN.main from doing a System.exit call */
	try {
		SVN.main( aSvnArgs as String[] );
	} finally {
} ;

Initial URL

Initial Description
Sample SVN call from gradle: doSvnMain( 'your', 'svn', 'args', 'go', 'here' );

Initial Title
Groovy Gradle - Do SVN Commands without having SVN installed.

Initial Tags

Initial Language