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Revision: 62391
at February 20, 2013 21:26 by apphp-snippets

Initial Code
// pathinfo() constants parameter list
// PATHINFO_DIRNAME  => directory name
// PATHINFO_BASENAME => name of file (w/out extension)
// PATHINFO_EXTENSION => file extension
// PATHINFO_FILENAME   => file name w/ extension
$path = '/images/thumbs/my_avatar.gif';
//outputs '/images/thumbs/'
echo pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_DIRNAME);
//outputs 'my_avatar'
echo pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_BASENAME);
//outputs 'my_avatar.gif'
echo pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
//outputs 'gif'
echo pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

Initial URL

Initial Description
You may retrieve all needed file path data using PHP's built-in function pathinfo. You don't need to create your own functions or use regular expressions to get this info. It was already been created for this purpose.

Initial Title
Get File Path Data in PHP

Initial Tags
php, file, path

Initial Language