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Revision: 61043
at November 26, 2012 06:53 by denakitan

Updated Code
from flask import Flask, url_for, request, render_template, flash, redirect, abort, session, escape
app = Flask(__name__)

# setting the secret_key generate with: >>> import os; os.urandom(24)
app.secret_key = '\x1eo\xc0\xd84\x8c\xfez\xbc\x0eQ\xc2\xb4we\xa8p\r\x13\\\x88\x97\x8e\xb9'

# route() decorator is used to bind a function to a URL
def index():
    return '<b>Index Page</b>'

def helloWorld():
    return '<b>Hello World!</b>'

# route() accepts URLs with variable parts
def helloUser(user):
    return '<b>Hello %s!</b>' % user

# rules may also be specified using a converter. Converter types:
# int         accepts integers
# float     like int but for floating point values
# path         like the default but also accepts slashes
def helloUserN(user, greetingsCount):
    greetingsCount = abs(greetingsCount)
    if greetingsCount > 3:
        app.logger.warning('Warning! The greetings count %d is above the limit (3).', greetingsCount)
    returnValue = ''
    while greetingsCount > 0:
        returnValue += '<b>Hello %s!</b><br />' % user
        greetingsCount -= 1;
    return returnValue

# building URLs using the url_for() function. Unknows variables are appended to the URL as query parameters
def printUrls():
    builtUrls = ''
    builtUrls += url_for('index') + '<br />'
    builtUrls += url_for('helloWorld') + '<br />'
    builtUrls += url_for('helloWorld', user='user') + '<br />'
    builtUrls += url_for('helloUser', user='user') + '<br />'
    builtUrls += url_for('helloUserN', user='user', greetingsCount='3') + '<br />'
    return builtUrls

# example on how to access the request object
# To access parameters submitted in the URL (?key=value) you can use the args attribute:
# searchword = request.args.get('key', '')
# by default, a route only answers to GET requests, but it can be changed, as below:
@app.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def login():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        if isCredentialsValid(request.form['username'], request.form['password']):
            # escape() used here does escaping for you. Can be used when you are not using the template engine
            session['username'] = escape(request.form['username'])
            return redirect(url_for('ghibliIndex'))
            app.logger.error('Invalid username and/or password provided.')
            flash('Invalid username and/or password.', 'error')
    # the code below this is executed if the request method
    # was GET or the credentials were invalid
    return render_template('login.html')
def isCredentialsValid(username, password):
    if username == 'user' and password == 'pass':
        return True
    return False        

def logout():
    # remove the username from the session if it's there
    session.pop('username', None)
    return redirect(url_for('ghibliIndex'))

# example of how to deal with templates
def ghibliIndex(name=None):
    return render_template('ghibli.html', name=name, ghibliLogoUrl=url_for('static', filename='ghibli.gif'))

# example of how to deal with templates
@app.route('/upload', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def upload():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        f = request.files['filename'];

        # to save the file, the line below could be used
        # f.filename contains the name of the file on the client, before it was uploaded,
        # but it should not be trusted. If it is wanted to use it, pass it though the
        # secure_filename function
        # from werkzeug import secure_filename
        #'/var/www/uploads/' + secure_filename(f.filename))

        flash('Content of the uploaded file:', 'message')
        messages = []
        lines = f.readlines()
        for line in lines:
            flash(line, 'message')
        # example of how to use the redirect() function to guide use to an endpoint
        return redirect(url_for('upload'))
    return render_template('upload.html')

# useless route to illustrate the usage of abort() function
def forbidden():
def page_not_found(error):
    app.logger.debug('Reached page not found handler.')
    return render_template('page_not_found.html', makkuroUrl=url_for('static', filename='makkuro.jpg')), 404

    # this function could be written using the make_response() function
    # resp = make_response(render_template('page_not_found.html', makkuroUrl=url_for('static', filename='makkuro.jpg')), 404)
    # resp.headers['X-Something'] = 'A value'
    # return resp

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Enabling debug mode - NEVER USE IT IN PRODUCTION
    # Almost mandatory in development environments because, if enabled, the server will
    # reload itself on code changes
    # or
    # app.debug = True
    # Making the built-in server externally visible
    # It is disabled by default because in debugging mode a user of the application
    # can execute arbitrary Python code on the machine
    # Enable it if debug is disabled or users on the network can be trusted

Revision: 61042
at November 24, 2012 08:16 by denakitan

Updated Code
from flask import Flask, url_for, request, render_template
app = Flask(__name__)

# route() decorator is used to bind a function to a URL
def index():
    return '<b>Index Page</b>'

def helloWorld():
    return '<b>Hello World!</b>'

# route() accepts URLs with variable parts
def helloUser(user):
    return '<b>Hello %s!</b>' % user

# rules may also be specified using a converter. Converter types:
# int 	    accepts integers
# float 	like int but for floating point values
# path 	    like the default but also accepts slashes
def helloUserN(user, greetingsCount):
    greetingsCount = abs(greetingsCount)
    returnValue = ''
    while greetingsCount > 0:
        returnValue += '<b>Hello %s!</b><br />' % user
        greetingsCount -= 1;
    return returnValue

# building URLs using the url_for() function. Unknows variables are appended to the URL as query parameters
def printUrls():
    builtUrls = ''
    builtUrls += url_for('index') + '<br />'
    builtUrls += url_for('helloWorld') + '<br />'
    builtUrls += url_for('helloWorld', user='user') + '<br />'
    builtUrls += url_for('helloUser', user='user') + '<br />'
    builtUrls += url_for('helloUserN', user='user', greetingsCount='3') + '<br />'
    return builtUrls

# example on how to access the request object
# To access parameters submitted in the URL (?key=value) you can use the args attribute:
# searchword = request.args.get('key', '')
# by default, a route only answers to GET requests, but it can be changed, as below:
@app.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def login():
    error = None
    if request.method == 'POST':
        if isCredentialsValid(request.form['username'], request.form['password']):
            return 'Logged on.'
            error = 'Invalid username and/or password.'
    # the code below this is executed if the request method
    # was GET or the credentials were invalid
    return render_template('login.html', error=error)
def isCredentialsValid(username, password):
    if username == 'user' and password == 'pass':
        return True
    return False        

# example of how to deal with templates
def ghibliIndex(name=None):
    return render_template('ghibli.html', name=name, ghibliLogoUrl=url_for('static', filename='ghibli.gif'))
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Enabling debug mode - NEVER USE IT IN PRODUCTION
    # Almost mandatory in development environments because, if enabled, the server will
    # reload itself on code changes
    # or
    # app.debug = True
    # Making the built-in server externally visible
    # It is disabled by default because in debugging mode a user of the application
    # can execute arbitrary Python code on the machine
    # Enable it if debug is disabled or users on the network can be trusted

Revision: 61041
at November 24, 2012 00:22 by denakitan

Initial Code
from flask import Flask, url_for, request, render_template
app = Flask(__name__)

# route() decorator is used to bind a function to a URL
def index():
    return '<b>Index Page</b>'

def helloWorld():
    return '<b>Hello World!</b>'

# route() accepts URLs with variable parts
def helloUser(user):
    return '<b>Hello %s!</b>' % user

# rules may also be specified using a converter. Converter types:
# int 	    accepts integers
# float 	like int but for floating point values
# path 	    like the default but also accepts slashes
def helloUserN(user, greetingsCount):
    greetingsCount = abs(greetingsCount)
    returnValue = ''
    while greetingsCount > 0:
        returnValue += '<b>Hello %s!</b><br />' % user
        greetingsCount -= 1;
    return returnValue

# building URLs using the url_for() function. Unknows variables are appended to the URL as query parameters
def printUrls():
    builtUrls = ''
    builtUrls += url_for('index') + '<br />'
    builtUrls += url_for('helloWorld') + '<br />'
    builtUrls += url_for('helloWorld', user='user') + '<br />'
    builtUrls += url_for('helloUser', user='user') + '<br />'
    builtUrls += url_for('helloUserN', user='user', greetingsCount='3') + '<br />'
    return builtUrls

# by default, a route only answers to GET requests, but it can be changed, as below:
@app.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def login():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        return 'Executing the login...'
        return 'Showing the login form...'

# example of how to deal with templates
def ghibliIndex(name=None):
    return render_template('ghibli.html', name=name, ghibliLogoUrl=url_for('static', filename='ghibli.gif'))
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Enabling debug mode - NEVER USE IT IN PRODUCTION
    # Almost mandatory in development environments because, if enabled, the server will
    # reload itself on code changes
    # or
    # app.debug = True
    # Making the built-in server externally visible
    # It is disabled by default because in debugging mode a user of the application
    # can execute arbitrary Python code on the machine
    # Enable it if debug is disabled or users on the network can be trusted

Initial URL

Initial Description
Snippet showing a simple Flask application to illustrate the topics covered in the "Quickstart".

Initial Title
Flask - The Basics

Initial Tags
python, web

Initial Language