Revision: 60116
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at October 21, 2012 09:49 by jrue
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<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Quiz</title> <!-- Quiz Written By Jeremy Rue, UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism --> <style> /*css reset */ html,body,div,span,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,p,code,small,strike,strong,sub,sup,b,u,i{border:0;font-size:100%;font:inherit;vertical-align:baseline;margin:0;padding:0;} article,aside,details,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,menu,nav,section{display:block;} body{line-height:1; font:normal 0.9em/1em "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;} ol,ul{list-style:none;} #frame{max-width:620px;width:100%;border:1px solid #ccc;background:#eee;padding:10px;} #content{font:normal normal 1em/1.5em "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;margin:0 40px 10px;} h1{font:normal bold 2em/1.8em "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;text-align:left;background:#ccc;padding:0 15px;width:auto} h2{font:italic bold 1.3em/1.2em "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;padding:5px 15px 15px;} input[type=radio]{margin:0 10px 5px -22px;} label{margin:0 0 5px;} #score p{font-size:0.95em; font-style:italic; color:#666; float:right;margin:5px 5px 0 0;} #score:after{content:".";display:block;clear:both;visibility:hidden;line-height:0;height:0;} #response{min-height:70px; margin:10px; } #response h3{font:normal bold 1.2em/1.5em "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; margin:5px 0;} </style> <script> var quiz = [ { "question" : "Q1: Who came up with theory of relativity?", "choices" : [ "Sir Isaac Newton", "Nicolaus Copernicus", "Albert Einstein", "Ralph Waldo Emmerson" ], "correct" : "Albert Einstein", "explanation" : "Albert Einstein drafted the special theory of relativity in 1905.", }, { "question" : "Q2: Who is on the two dollar bill?", "choices" : [ "Thomas Jefferson", "Dwight D. Eisenhower", "Benjamin Franklin", "Abraham Lincoln" ], "correct" : "Thomas Jefferson", "explanation" : "The two dollar bill is seldom seen in circulation. As a result, some businesses are confused when presented with the note.", }, { "question" : "Q3: What event began on April 12, 1861?", "choices" : [ "First manned flight", "California became a state", "American Civil War began", "Declaration of Independence" ], "correct" : "American Civil War began", "explanation" : "South Carolina came under attack when Confederate soldiers attacked Fort Sumter. The war lasted until April 9th 1865.", }, ]; var currentQuestion = 0; var score = 0; var askingQuestion = true; function loadQuestion(){ //set temporary variable for creating radio buttons var radioButton; //clear out radio buttons from previous question document.getElementById('content').innerHTML = ""; //loop through choices, and create radio buttons for(var i=0; i < quiz[currentQuestion]["choices"].length; i++){ radioButton = document.createElement('input'); radioButton.type = 'radio'; = 'quiz'; = 'choice'+ (i+1); radioButton.value = quiz[currentQuestion]["choices"][i]; //create label tag, which hold the actual text of the choices var label = document.createElement('label'); label.setAttribute('for','choice'+ (i+1)); label.innerHTML = quiz[currentQuestion]["choices"][i]; //create a <br> tag to separate options var br = document.createElement('br'); //attach them to content. Attach br tag, then label, then radio button document.getElementById('content').insertBefore(br); document.getElementById('content').insertBefore(label, br); document.getElementById('content').insertBefore(radioButton, label); } //load the question document.getElementById('question').innerHTML = quiz[currentQuestion]["question"]; //setup score for first time if(currentQuestion == 0){ document.getElementById('score').innerHTML = '<p>score: 0 right answers out of ' + quiz.length +' possible</p>'; } } function checkAnswer(){ //are we asking a question, or proceeding to next question? if(askingQuestion){ //change button text to next question, so next time they click it, it goes to next question document.getElementById('check').innerHTML = 'Next Question'; askingQuestion = false; //determine which radio button they clicked var userpick; var correctIndex; var radios = document.getElementsByName('quiz'); for(var i=0; i < radios.length; i++){ if(radios[i].checked){ //if this radio button is checked userpick = radios[i].value; } //get index of correct answer if(radios[i].value == quiz[currentQuestion]["correct"]){ correctIndex = i; } } //set the color if they got it right, or wrong if(userpick == quiz[currentQuestion]["correct"]){ score++; document.getElementsByTagName('label')[correctIndex].style.color = "green"; document.getElementsByTagName('label')[correctIndex].style.fontWeight = "bold"; document.getElementById('explanation').innerHTML = "<h3>Correct!</h3>"; } else { document.getElementsByTagName('label')[correctIndex].style.color = "red"; document.getElementsByTagName('label')[correctIndex].style.fontWeight = "bold"; document.getElementById('explanation').innerHTML = "<h3>Incorrect</h3>"; } document.getElementById('explanation').innerHTML += '<p>' + quiz[currentQuestion]["explanation"] + '</p>'; document.getElementById('score').innerHTML = '<p>score: '+ score +' right answers out of ' + quiz.length +' possible</p>'; } else { //reset form and move to next question //setting up so user can ask a question askingQuestion = true; //change button text back to 'submit answer' document.getElementById('check').innerHTML = 'Submit Answer'; document.getElementById('explanation').innerHTML = ""; //if we're not on last question, increase question number if(currentQuestion < quiz.length - 1){ currentQuestion++; loadQuestion(); } else { showFinalResults(); } } } function showFinalResults(){ document.getElementById('content').innerHTML = '<h2>You Completed The Quiz</h2>'; document.getElementById('content').innerHTML += '<p>Below are your results:</p>'; document.getElementById('content').innerHTML += '<h2>' + score + ' out of ' + quiz.length + ' questions, ' + Math.round(score/quiz.length * 100) + '%</h2>'; //delete the button var button = document.getElementById('check'); button.parentNode.removeChild(button); //js requires you to delete elements from the parent //remove question document.getElementById('question').innerHTML = ""; } window.onload = loadQuestion; </script> </head> <body> <div id="frame"> <h1>Quiz Title Here</h1> <div id="score"><p>score: 0 right answers out of 0 possible</p></div> <h2 id="question">Question here</h2> <div id="content"> </div> <button id="check" onclick="checkAnswer()">Submit Answer</button> <div id="response"> <div id="explanation"></div> </div> </div> </body> </html>
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**Simple JavaScript Quiz** Edit the main quiz array with your own questions, then publish. Since it's an entire HTML file, it's best to save this file on a server and embed it as needed using an iframe tag.
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JavaScript Quiz Template
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