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Revision: 6829
at June 17, 2008 15:54 by 6e

Initial Code
document.observe('dom:loaded', function(){
	// instance the is available via 'controller'
	controller = new StateController();

var StateController = Class.create({
	initialize: function(){
		util.trace('Control this.');
		this.lastHash = '';
		this.ready = true;
		Event.observe(window, 'load', this.loaded.bind(this));
		document.observe('receiver:stateChange', this.stateChange.bind(this));
		//document.observe('receiver:hashChange', this.hashChange.bind(this));
	loaded: function(){
		util.trace('Got loaded');
		//observe for hash changes
	stateChange: function($event){
		// when a state change is invoked, change the hash
		util.trace('change hash '+ window.location.hash);
		// add slash for aesthetics...looks like swfaddress

	observeHash: function(){
		//when hash changes fire receiver:hashChanged
		new PeriodicalExecuter(function(pe){
			if (window.location.hash == this.lastHash) {
				// hash hasn't changed, bail
			// hash has changed, take note and fire receiver:stateChange
			this.lastHash = window.location.hash;
			util.trace('New hash');'receiver:hashChange', {destination: window.location.hash});
		}.bind(this), .1);
	fireEvent: function($destination){
		//method for flash to send destination'receiver:stateChange', {destination: $destination});
	getHash: function(){
		// returns the hash stripped of #/
		return window.location.hash.sub('#/', '')
	setHash: function($destination){
		// formats hash to #/destination
		window.location.hash = '/'+$destination;
	getRelativeURL: function($url){
		// pulls protocol, host and path from url to return location
		var absolute = window.location.protocol+'//';
		util.trace(absolute+ '  ' + $url);
		return $url.sub(absolute, '');
	ready: function(){
		return this.ready;
	sitePageTitle: function(destination, delimiter){
		var pathArray = destination.split('/').invoke('capitalize');
		pathArray.unshift(document.title.split(' '+delimiter+' ').last());
		return pathArray.join(' '+delimiter+' ');

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
State Controller

Initial Tags
ajax, javascript, textmate

Initial Language