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Revision: 59399
at September 6, 2012 14:00 by kmespiritu

Initial Code
<h3>Collect the following information for the URL linked below:</h3>
<div class="highlight-box">
    <li>Blog Author's Name</li>
    <li>Blog Author's Email (if you cannot find this, link to the contact page)</li>
    <li>Blog Author's Twitter Account</li>
<p>URL to Search:&nbsp;<b><a href="${url}">${url}</a></b></p>
<p><strong>NOTE: If you do not provide accurate information for these three fields, you WILL NOT have your HIT approved.  Please pay attention to details so we can pay you...thanks!</strong></p>
<p>Blog Author Name:</p>
<p><input type="text" size="100" id="name" name="name" /></p>
<p>Blog Author Email:</p>
<p><input type="text" size="100" id="email" name="email" /></p>
<p>Blog Author Twitter:</p>
<p><input type="text" size="100" id="twitter" name="twitter" /></p>
<p><style type="text/css">
.highlight-box { border:solid 0px #98BE10; background:#FCF9CE; color:#222222; padding:4px; text-align:left; font-size: smaller;}

Initial URL

Initial Description
Great little template for data collection HITs.

Initial Title
Amazon MTurk Data Collection Template

Initial Tags

Initial Language